Beefy Dream

Beefybooyawn of Beefy’s House O’ Fun is the only blogger I personally know and have met in real life.  We went to the same tech school and even worked together for a while.

While I’m talking about him, I’d like to encourage you to visit his blog.  It’s not all that different from mine.  He’s disgruntled and pissed off, too.  And he likes to write, as well.  In fact, he’s a published author.  Check it out.

Unfortunately, I don’t see him much anymore, although he was able to make it out for my birthday back in June, which was very cool.

So it was a little weird last night that Beefy made an appearance in one of  my dreams.

I’ve mentioned before that I don’t normally dream and when I do I don’t normally remember it.  I do remember parts of this one, though.  I don’t remember any of the dialogue, just a vague recollection of the events that happened.  So unfortunately, there will be no dialogue in this story because I have no idea what the dialogue even was.  Imagine this is one of those old black and white movies where there are no words and communication is made with hand gestures and facial expressions.


Sorry, that’s all I’ve got.

The dream started with me, my brother Revis, and Beefy eating dinner at a restaurant, though I’m not sure which one.  We were just chilling at the table and talking when some dude walked by on his way to the restroom.  Beefy made some snide comment about that guy after he went into the restroom.  We laughed and continued talking.

A moment later, the dude came out of the restroom and came straight to our table.  He told Beefy he heard his comment and cordially invited him outside so they could settle their differences.  Kind of the same way you would cordially invite someone to go fuck themself.

Without even rising from his seat, Beefy socked the dude in the face with a solid right.  The dude fell back and out of my peripheral vision.  Beefy then calmly got up from his seat and headed outside.

You got knocked the fuck out, man!

A moment later Beefy and the dude he’d just laid out appeared in the parking lot where I could see them through the window from our table inside.  They began discussing something, I have no idea what, before they both began to laugh.  Then they started wrestling in the middle of the parking lot.

Yeah.  Weird.

Not long after, a group of other guys joined the fracas and soon Beefy was at the bottom of a dog pile consisting of about 9 or 10 guys.  For reasons I don’t know, I knew that all the guys that had joined the scrum were friends of dude Beefy was fighting.  I looked at my brother and told him that we should get out there and help him.  He agreed and we headed for the parking lot.

I was on my way out the door when my alarm woke me up.

I have no idea what the hell that was all about and I’m not sure what to make of it.  At least, Beefy, you can claim that you were in a dream I had.

7 thoughts on “Beefy Dream

      1. Yeah, I’m just glad you could remember it this time. Of course I can imagine dreaming about me would be hard to forget lol. I know when I dream about me I run around all day TRYING to forget lol.


        1. Normally when I do remember my dreams it’s some really fucked up shit. And I only remember if I’m having the dream when I wake up. And even then I sometimes have trouble remembering.


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