Guest Post: Fish of Gold

[Editor’s note: This is my very first guest post EVAR!  Woohoo!!  A special thanks to Goldfish for agreeing to it, despite the fact that she did so at blaster point.]

Hello, my name is Goldfish. I’m usually found at a blog called Fish Of Gold. I seem to be a little lost.

Once upon a time, I held a Mad Lib Contest. A complete stranger named Twindaddy answered and won.

The prize was a guest post spot on my blog or I would guest on the winner’s blog. Winner’s choice. Twindaddy didn’t choose his prize so I chastised him openly for it.

Then, I decided to just make him a prize since he wouldn’t choose. I drew a picture of him in his Star Wars regalia being cute:

Who wouldn’t want that? A customized, original, signed work of fine art was not enough. Still the Twindaddy would not be appeased. No, he perverted the rules of the contest. He insisted, at blaster-point I might add, that I guest post on his blog if he guested on mine.

I drew him a picture and I didn’t even take advantage of it. Being the nice person that I am, I didn’t do anything untoward with his likeness, like this…

Editor’s note: You shall rue this, Goldy.

…when I very easily could have.

So, here I am a stranger in a foreign land full of Stuph. There’s a lot of Stuph in here. Most of it is pictures of Stormtroopers giving us the bird, incitements to violence and threats that not voting for him would be a very bad idea indeed.

I haven’t known Twindaddy very long. He is still mainly a stranger to me, and the more I know him, the stranger he gets. This is pretty much the sum of my Twindaddy knowledge:

Fact A: He’s a stormtrooper.
Fact B: He’s a Star Wars nerd.
Fact C: He doesn’t mind my potty mouth.
Fact D: He’s the father of twins (Baby A and Baby B) and has picked up a spare (Baby C).
Fact E: We were both born in Detroit.
Fact F: He’s funny and he has a similarly twisted sense of humor to mine.

I immediately liked his blog. Anyone who could conceive of the sentence, “Reluctant to pay the excrement to a nipple clamp, wearing hairy chastity belts no less, the Captain held the nose hair in his skid mark for longer than necessary.” can’t be all bad, right?

Twindaddy, thanks for stopping by my blog on that fateful day last year and leaving a comment. You started out making me laugh and you’ve made me giggle ever so slightly to myself ever since. High praise indeed.

59 thoughts on “Guest Post: Fish of Gold

          1. But you being a mere storm trooper are not a Jedi. I can’t believe I had to tell you that, TwinDaddy. The force is not with you.


  1. Lol FOG. When you did the madlibs contest I was scrolling. Twindaddy’s entry made me stop dead bc I somehow knew/felt it was his. still dying at reluctant to pay excrement to a nipple clamp. Classic. Not strange at all.


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