Singin’ in the Bathtub

There’s something soothing about a hot shower. I don’t know what it is about hot water cascading from a shower head that immobilizes me, mesmerizes me, tranquilizes me, but it’s a relaxation like no other.

I’ve enjoyed a hot shower as far back as I can remember. When I was younger my father was forced to put a timer in the bathroom for my showers so I didn’t use up all the hot water in the mornings. Even then a hot shower captivated me. I was supposed to set the timer for 10 minutes, but like the bad ass rebel I am I always set it for 11:11, giving me an extra minute and 11 seconds of pure bliss every morning. Sorry, dad, but I’m not ashamed.

These days I have somewhat of a guilty pleasure ritual. I take my cell phone to the bathroom with me (calm down, we all do it) and crank the music up. I then turn on the hot water. While taking my scalding shower, I belt out the lyrics along with whatever song is blasting from my cell phone. Well, if I know the lyrics, that is. If I don’t that’s when I wash up.

Stop judging me. Most of us sing in the shower. And the car. And any other place we think we’re all alone.

I’ll stand there, singing, until every drop of hot water has been consumed. Oh, and I’ll, you know, wash myself, too. I still don’t know what it is about these long showers that rejuvenates me, but afterword I feel energetic (for me) and refreshed. Ready to face the day. As much as I can be ready. It’s almost as essential as my morning cup of coffeh.

It seems this love of hot showers is genetic. While Baby B is the type to get in and get out, Baby A never emerges from the shower until every molecule of hot water has been exhausted. Just like his father. Hence the reason they have to take their showers at night, and why Baby B always goes first.

I love my hot showers. I can’t make it through the day without one. They are one of my biggest guilty pleasures.


Query: Do you sing in the shower, meatbag? Does your crooning threaten the very existence of the mirrors in your bathroom? Or do you have some other guilty meatbag pleasure?

80 thoughts on “Singin’ in the Bathtub

  1. It’s long, hot bubble baths all the way for me. I solve life’s little problems, blog, listen to music and generally sing along to my ‘bath’ playlist, which pretty much consists of 80’s power ballads… Showers are far too much energy – all that standing tires me out 😉


  2. ha! I have never taken a phone into the shower… but I love to sing anyplace that I have music (but I refuse to do anything with the word ‘karaoke’ in it/near it/by it). I wish I could take a faster shower b/c I don’t really like being wet – isn’t that weird? I would rather just dry clean myself. If I have a headache, I do like to sit under a hot shower but otherwise, I don’t get that thrill others do. I cannot abide sitting in bathtub… I last about 2 minutes and I’m ready to be done. You can have all my hot water and we’ll call it even-steven or ephen-stephen.


  3. Hey, who you calling meatbag? I love meat.

    Don’t tell anyone, but my best story ideas generally come in the shower while listening to CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, roughly equivalent to NPR) and scrubbing my hairy back vigorously, all while downing a dopio espresso. Don’t judge. Shower-tainted espresso is delicious.

    Now, brushing teeth… I’ve never had a single good idea, ever, while brushing my teeth.


  4. I’m one of few people I know who doesn’t love taking a shower. I’m not gross. Maybe it’s because I’m a woman, but taking a shower is a serious time commitment. I also find that it wakes me up instead of relaxing me, so taking a shower at night isn’t really ideal for me.


  5. I used to sing in the shower… that was before I had to start getting up at o’dark stupid to go to work, and before I shared my space with The Queen (and now the Little Prince) who don’t have to be up at o’dark stupid. Now I’m super efficient, in and out and on my way. Though, I will occasionally take a few extra minutes to enjoy the hot water on the weekends when I’m less pressed for time.


  6. Oh I most definitely sing in the shower– and the car– and everywhere. And I have absolutely zero talent but I make up for it with passion and gusto. Even when I was traveling and staying in hostels, I still took my iPod into the shower and hung it up in a plastic bag so I could blast my music and sing along. I’m sure everyone else loved this.


  7. You know, you’d think I would sing in the shower with all the car singing I do, but nope. Not a single note. I must say, however, my showers have completely changed since having kids. They are much more utilitarian. I’m in/out like a freakin’ ninja for two reasons: a) I have a million things to do and a shower always seems like one of those time-sucks that just gets in my way, and b) our shower is surrounded by all glass. If I’m not done and wrapped in a towel in exactly 2.4 seconds I will have at least two males in there gawking at me. And 2 seconds of that 2.4 is used washing this blonde mane of mine. .2 to shave. .2 to soap all 2,000 parts. Done & Done. Ninja style.


  8. I tend to have a song going through my mind while I’m in the shower, though I’m one of those semi-Tourettes kinda people who can just start belting out lyrics at any time, anywhere when I’m bored or distracted. “Epic showers”, as I’ve heard these long, empty the hot water heater type of events called are not my cup of tea, though. In, wash, dry, out. I’m only slightly more open to the idea of drenching myself in water as my cats are…


  9. I’m commenting from my personal homemade sauna right this very moment. My hot water heater gets approximately 15 minutes and 33 seconds before the satan of all things icy dominates my paradise. I shouldn’t waste anymore time typing. Goodbye.



    Second: I know what we’ve ACTUALLY been doing while showering.

    Third: I do not sing in the shower, in the car, or ever. Fucking… ever. God did not make this meatbag to sing. Period.

    Fourth: The coffee graphic is too goddamn true… dammit.



    1. First: Yes, my dad did that, too.
      Second: Yes, the secret is out.
      Third: I’ve heard a lot of people who weren’t made to sing do so anyway. Give it a try.
      Fourth: It is. First-world problems, man.

      Fuck indeed.


  11. For me, there is clear demarcation line: showers are for strictly for thinking, and car drives are for singing. And I don’t like bathtubs at all – when I’m in one, I somehow feel like I’m just wasting the time which I could spend more efficiently by thinking in the shower.


  12. I also love the shower, it’s where brilliance emerges for me. I don’t sing though, I save that for the car. I do use all the hot water and I have passed this gene onto my son, who does the same (we also both deny it). I really believe World Peace can be solved in the shower.


    1. A few weeks ago, my father, myself, and the twins went out to eat for their birthday. Baby B mentioned Baby A’s penchant for long showers and I got a pointed look from my father. I, of course, acted innocent and denied any knowledge of a possible genetic passing of this trait.


    1. Well, if the twins are here, yes. They are old enough to watch Baby C while I shower. If it’s just me and Baby C I normally bring him in the shower with me. He loves taking a shower.


  13. Why reserve singing for the car and the shower? I sing all the time. Much better that way.

    (I try not to think when I’m in the shower because then I have to rush out and write my ideas down every few minutes. Wet paper is hard to read.)


  14. Long showers work well if your hot water tank is big enough to meet the demand. But when said tank is barely bigger than a tea kettle, then one must become very, very efficient.

    BTW, is that red smoke in the background steam from your latest hour-long shower?


  15. I don’t sing in the shower, and oddly never have. But I don’t these days because I would get told off for breaking Greater Silence. Plus no one wants to hear anyone singing at six am…

    A solution to the water running out is to get an electric shower installed.


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