Ten Things of Thankful #44

My new English BFFL (I’ve decided to have one for every continent – filling the one for Antarctica is gonna be tough) Lizzi implored me to try this blog hop she helps host. The blog hop is Ten Things of Thankful, which is a weekly blog hop in which the participants list ten things each weekend for which they are thankful, obviously. I was dubical (that’s skeptical AND dubious at the same time) when she suggested I try this because, as you all know, I’m a completely positive person with an outlook consisting of sunshine, baby laughter, and blooming flowers.

*pauses for laughter*

Okay, now that you’ve all had a good chuckle…fuck you. Anyhow, I was suffering some extreme Twitter abuse from Lizzi until I caved, as you can see for yourself…

No pressure, right? Geezass.

Anyhow, I decided to give this thing a whirl. In preparation, I decided to enhance my thinking ability by introducing alcohol into my system. (Well, it wasn’t so much an introduction as it was a reacquaintance.) That ought to help me come up with…how many things do I have to be thankful for? 10? Shit. I hope I make it through this.

Without further ado (ado me baby, ado me baby…ado the humpty  hump), here is my inaugural list of Ten Things of Thankful…

1.  Alcohol, without which I’d never have gathered the balls to even try this post.
2.  My children, without whom I’d truly have no reason to live.2013-06-11 06.55.50

3.  My mother, who, despite not being in the best financial position to do so, watches Baby C for nothing because she knows I can’t afford to pay her.
4.  Music, because it keeps me going when I think I’ve gone as far as I can.

5.  Good friends who make me laugh and listen to me bitch when life has pushed me beyond the threshold of what I can take.
6.  BFFL’s on other continents. There are still open BFFL spots available for South America, Asia, and Africa. I’ve given up hope for Antarctica.
7.  Twitter, cause y’all fuckers make me laugh over there.

8.  Books, because they keep me entertained.
9.  Video games, because fun.
10. Forgiveness. I make mistakes. A lot of them. Some people have chosen to forgive me for those slights and I appreciate that immensely.

Ten Things of Thankful

Whew! I don’t know if I can do this on a weekly basis, but I’ll try.

Audience Participation Time!What are you thankful for?


89 thoughts on “Ten Things of Thankful #44

  1. Wonderful things to be thankful for — and don’t worry, you’ll find plenty more within the next week. 🙂

    As for me, I’m thankful for the fact that my mom has time to listen to me and help me through rough patches when she has way too much on her own plate and doesn’t need me complaining on top of it.


  2. hey I was beginning to doubt in the start of the post. You almost had me convinced! Welcome to the TToT that Lizzi can be a high pressure nag ( just kidding Lizzi, trying to make him feel better….) ( no really she can….) ahem anyway… when in the pinch for something to be thankful for there is always indoor plumbing… or not having to bang my laundry out on a rock by some mud filled pool… see not so hard!

    No really, nice list…its not always easy but Lizzi is right … when bumming it does help some and there are some great folks doing this thing too so that is always welcome… Welcome again!

    Love the kids on the couch… especially the one with the butt in the air!

    My name will come up as skip ( my dog) cuz I cant get stupid wordpress to change me to Zoe…


    1. Hi Skip. I love that picture. I got them all up and ready one morning last year (the twins for school and Baby C to go to my mother’s hourse) and went upstairs to brush my teeth. When I came back down that is what I found.


  3. You’d think I’d be a natural fit to write TToT, but I just have way too many things to be thankful for. And that doesn’t even include alcohol. You can have all of it, I won’t mind. 🙂


  4. I’m thankful for my love, my son, and art in all forms, and of course friends. I’m going to get mushy on you so prepare yourself…
    When I say friends, I don’t just mean my friends I see from time to time – I mean friends like you. This community has been such a great support system to me & I truly love all of you. So yeah, mush. 😛

    &P.S. Your little ones are adorable!


  5. Wow! That, my friend, is a damn good list! I especially love what you said about your kids and your Mom. Very sweet. And forgiveness…I hear ya there!
    I’ve seen you around some of my friends’ blogs and I think I’m gonna have to stay a bit and see what you got goin’ on here. You may not make it every week but maybe every once in a while….?


  6. There, see? You did very well (I concur with other commenters – WAY cute pic of your kids) and didn’t even need to resort to doing the dance for the Seven GuardVirgins.

    I told you about the Seven GuardVirgins, right? They make the hop EXTRA fun 😀


      1. And what’s a BFFL?

        The GuardVirgins protect the Secret Book of Rules (a.k.a. the Book of Secret Rules) which contain (variously) the methods parcicipants can use to otherwise nix on posting a Thing of Thankful, as long as they dance for the GuardVirgins, obtain the book, and provide their justification (e.g. Secret rule 1.3, which states that having gotten to the Tenth Thing counts as a Thing (the 10th) in and of itself)


  7. I love blogging drunk. And Lizzi can be fucking relentless on Twitter about this hop. I’d go so far as to call her a bully, even, if I didn’t think she might come beat me up on her ‘Merica visit. Glad you made it through the 10! For the record, I screw up the numbering pretty much every week and count things for double and triple and stuff. 😉


    1. You know, for someone who was on the receiving end of a luscious and deeply-involved love letter from me the other week, you’re awfu’ mean to me, Kristi…


          1. You know what – I even went back and CHECKED to see if you had! In my defence it was about 3am when I wrote you the above comment…


  8. WordPress, huh? Sigh. It hates me, so chances are slim to none that this is going to appear in your comment section at all. So, I love the picture of your kids passed out on the sofa. And that Lizzi shamed you into posting on TToT this week. I’ll expect to see you back next week….


  9. OH this was so entertaining to read!! I LOVE that you went for it! And you nailed your thankfuls!!! I’m really glad I came by- I laughed, I cried… no wait. I laughed, and uh. I sighed… yeah! I sighed. I love this. You are awesome!


  10. I’m thankful the couch repair guy finally showed up this week to fix our couch before my body permanently took on the awkward shape from being broken!
    What’s a BFFL?


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