Ten Things of Thankful #53

It’s time to take a break from the unfairness and general shittiness of life and reflect on some of the good things. It’s time for gratitude. It’s time to be thankful. I’m hoping I can get to 10, but I’m not going to hold my breath…


  1. In my last TToT post I mentioned that I was sick. Well, it ended up being a virus called pharyngitis and not a cold. Because it was a virus there was really nothing that could do for me but let it run its course. I’m mostly healthy now. I still have a trace of congestion in my throat, but I’m otherwise back to normal. Well, normal for me.
  2. I’m thankful for the good times I had this past weekend. Saturday night I ended up going out drinking with some friends (the first time I’d been out in about six months because broke). Sunday (Father’s Day) the kids and I went to visit my father. We ended up going to the park. The twins played basketball with their grandfather while I chased Baby C around the park. A good time was had by all.
  3. A few weeks ago when I had a very important talk with the twins about respect for women I asked them if they had had sex education in school yet. They said yes so I asked them what they learned they muttered something about abstinence and not much else. So this past Wednesday I sat them down to have another talk. Let me tell you, talking about sex with your children is fucking awkward. At least, for me it is. Anyhow, I explained to them that, yes, abstinence is the only 100% surefire why to avoid STD’s and pregnancy, but I don’t expect them to never have sex. I was perfectly frank and told them that sex, well, feels pretty damned good and that’s why people have sex. Most of the time we adults (or those of us that look like adults, at least) aren’t having sex because we want a child. I told them that despite the nay-saying of their teachers, condoms are the best way to prevent both STD’s and pregnancy. I also told them, again despite what their teachers or church tells them, that having sex before you’re married is not a horrible thing. We spoke of many other things, but my boys were attentive and asked questions, which meant they were listening. I am THANKFUL that they listened.
  4. I’m thankful for music. Honestly, I wouldn’t make it through my days without it.
  5. I’m thankful for coffeh.
  6. I’m still very thankful for Southern Comfort.

Sadly, that’s all the gratuity I can muster this weekend. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!!

Query: What are you thankful for, meatbag?

92 thoughts on “Ten Things of Thankful #53

          1. There. I laughed. Troubles momentarily forgotten. I’ve also been writing about one of the biggest douchbags I’ve ever dated…so it’s comedic now, in hindsight, but maybe a little pathetic too.


  1. Ha! I’m glad to see that we have one thankful thing in common. Coffeh is great, aussome.
    Its really good that you are talking to your kids about sex. When my Little Girl is old enough I will have to sit her down and tell her all about – how a boy’s brain works. I really hope that she does not make all the same mistakes I did. My parents never talked to me about anything. I learned everything I knew from my older sisters teen magazines.


  2. You are such an awesome padre!! That took a lot of courage and cojones to sit down with them again and get more specific.
    I am thankful for my new necklace fan and that my doc told me to go to town on the medicinal ‘goods’ to help my RA. 😜


      1. Well, no prescription yet – but the
        go-ahead and endorsement! Thankfully I have my sources. Come on over and we can have a Sangria and ‘Salt n Pepper’ fiesta! Twindaddy, you come too. 🙂


  3. I’m thankful for having done my exam today. It scared me to the point where I could barely care about it anymore, and now it’s over and I may have passed… Just it being over and done with makes me happy 🙂


  4. Coffee and my kids, sweet pea! I just had surgery, they came (in shifts) and have been here with me for almost 2 weeks. We calling it “Camp TCM, Summer 2014” (Taking Care of Mommy). Shirts have been made. xoxox

    (meatbag? Full Metal Jacket reference?)


  5. I feel thankful that I’m not the only person that might not make it a full TToT. This past week has just blown in so many ways. Glad to hear you’re on the mend from pharyngitis…icky stuff. And good for you for having “the talk” with the twins. I wish someone had “the talk” with me when I was younger.


  6. Enjoying my first cup of coffee for the day and reading your post whilst listening to music. Running a tad late on the coffee today due to a long drive home yesterday and a late night with my pal, Jack. Long, sad couple of weeks it has been. Hey, but I’m right there with ya on 4, 5 and 6. Thanks for the smile.


  7. Well done you on The Talk. That must have been intensely difficult, but it sounds like you managed it well. GOOD FOR YOU.

    Glad you made it to six, my friend. If mine hadn’t been written on Monday, I would have had fewer than that. Actually, would I? Let’s see…

    Thankful for cocktails.
    Thankful for bloggy friend visits
    Thankful for afternoon tea in the sunshine
    Thankful for Husby eventually HEARING me (I think) in spite of all the listening he’s been doing and the explaining I’ve been trying to do
    Thankful for his insistence that I also need to try to look after myself and address some uncomfortable issues
    Thankful for GPs and the NHS
    Thankful I went for a run
    Thankful my mum’s cousin taught me how to headstand
    Thankful for you and chatting with you, and for other friends who have held me together.

    There. That was easier than I thought possible. Even in the crappy times there are Things… #SilverLinings


      1. No. Like I say – had I not written mine on Monday. Or had I tried to attempt anything Thankful up to this very late end of the afternoon, I would have been utterly incapable. Well. You talked to me – you know that.


  8. I love wine. I applaud facing the awkward conversation. I remember the first time I approached the “sex talk” with my children, they were so embarrassed they did not want to discuss it. I had to tread carefully in that area, but still have the conversation. ha ha



  9. I don’t know, TD! I think you should get credit for all ten for the sex talk alone. I get that it was awkward but it was also awesome! I’m so glad they listened and asked questions…that is everything right there. Way to be a Dad, dude! Glad to hear you had a nice Father’s Day and that you’re feeling better. I bet it was the Southern Comfort that cleared you up…haha!!
    I NEED that coffeh cup!!


  10. Just had to pop over here from TToT and say I absolutely LOVE that coffee mug. It’s perfect and I must find one.
    Have a great week!


    1. I brought that up to the twins. I told them if they ever thought about having sex without a condom to remember how much “fun” their little brother is.


  11. Well, I’m thankful that other people are thankful and that they write stuff like this so that I feel like I’m not the only person coming to grips with basically everything. Thank God for coffee.


  12. enjoyed your Post this week*
    Good to see another Representative from the District of Y Chromia, certain perspectivisation that is not always possible with, you know, the others…

    * no there are no inherent implications in my feelings about Posts from other weeks…lol


  13. Your #3 is worth at LEAST 10 things of thankful alone! I prefer to have those kinds of “talks” in the car. No one has to look at each other, and no one can escape.


  14. Great list really. Ugh to sex education talks. Hoping my husband handles those well enough for me to mostly avoid them but well. At least they were attentive! And you had a good father’s day. That’s big. So is coffee. And southern comfort (although I prefer Jack). happy Sunday, you.


  15. So, you may not know this about me, but I grew up in a devoutly Christian home with a preacher daddy and a woman who fought tooth and nail against it and then eventually succumbed to the title: preacher’s wife. My sex talk went exactly like this. (And I know this because not only did I write about it in my diary, I drew a picture, and I never draw. It was a big deal.) My mom (Preacher’s wife) was leaning up against our kitchen counter smoking a cigarette, the ash dangerously long and ready to fall off onto the floor. She told me to sit down at the table. I obliged. She then took a huge long drag, held it in for a bit, and said in her slow Southern drawl: “Mandi, don’t mess with boys, or you’ll get pregnant.” She flicked her cig into the sink and then left the room. I literally face planted onto the kitchen table.

    Yours sounds much more productive.


    1. Oy, that’s terribly helpful advice.

      I didn’t know that about you until I saw your comment on Laurie’s post this morning. I’m sorry you had to deal with that.

      I hated the time I spent in church growing up. I was in Catholic school for 3 and a half years and forced to go to church until I was 15. From a young age I have always questioned authority, and church was no different. Their answers never satisfied me and were often hypocritical, so I never had much faith in church or their practices.


  16. Thankful for reading you, that’s for sure.

    Thankful for the times when I don’t have heartburn (it’s just started in these last two weeks and gaviscon doesn’t help).

    Thankful for chocolate. Even if it does affect the heartburn.


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