Ode to My Children

I was afraid today’s prompt would include Valentine’s Day in some way.  I can’t stand this fake holiday.  Let’s celebrate love?  If you aren’t celebrating love every day then you’re failing at life.  But retailers make money on this holiday so I’m afraid it’s not going anywhere.  Oh well…

It’s Valentine’s Day, so write an ode to someone or something you love. Bonus points for poetry!

So I shall bang out an ode to my children because, you know, I love them and stuph.

Ode to My Children

Love at first sight?
I didn’t believe
Such a thing existed
I could not perceive
My heart would fill
With such strong emotion
Upon meeting someone
What an inane notion
But then you were born
And my heart grew bigger
I was unaware my heart
Could love with such vigor
I looked upon you
And knew right away
That I was in love
In my heart you would stay
With each new day
My love for you grows
Where it will end
Nobody knows
My doubting heart
Could never perceive
A love this strong
Now its out on my sleeve
I will always be there
I will always endure
My heart beats for you
Of this much I’m sure

Check out these other great Daily Prompt posts:

  1. What Would You Do? « Experimental Fiction
  2. “noT all th0se who wAnder are Lost” : LOve day 2oI3 « Mind Heart Journeys
  3. You Are So Beautiful to Me | midlifemusingsblog
  4. Cupid’s Arrow – A ‘Haiku’ « Q the Adult
  5. Daily Post: Cupid’s Arrow | tel-uh-vizh-uh-ner-ee
  6. Cupid’s Arrow: Daily Prompt for Valentine’s Day | steph’s scribe
  7. Daily Prompt-Cupid’s Arrow « The Cheeky Diva
  8. Love for Women Everywhere | a day with depression
  9. Daily Prompt: Cupid’s Arrow | I really just pretend to know stuff
  10. It Was Just A Matter of Time | littlemisswordy
  11. My very first poem « Front Porches and Candlelight
  12. An ode to two of the most precious people in my life | Random Encounters of an Inquisitive Mind
  13. Daily Prompt: Cupid’s Arrow « DiaryCube
  14. Love’s Melody – Love, Sex & Poetry (Daily Prompt Post – Cupid’s Arrow) « Linda Long Writes!

40 thoughts on “Ode to My Children

  1. Love your poem. Love is love – it need not come from Hallmark. Every holiday is fake in the sense that it has a monetary angle. But it’s lovely to acknowledge love; my son’s school has pajama day and love of reading ~ I like that. We should always love everyday – but it’s ok to have a special day for it. We don’t have to succumb to the commercial side of it. It just is.


      1. Meh – it’s easy to ignore all that crap. My little guy, who struggles with writing, make me a lovely card and was very proud of it – he bought me a lovely anklet to replace the one I lost. How could that not melt my heart? I love that he cares about me and was excited to show it.


  2. That is so SWEET. For me, a guy that loves his kids is really sexy. That’s why I selected my husband – partly. He was like this pied piper with kids. And I was right. He is a great dad. But even he wouldn’t mention dad in a username. A car, maybe.


  3. “If you aren’t celebrating love every day then you’re failing at life.” Truer words were never spoken. I love your poem like whoa. Incidentally, this is the first Valentines Day in what feels like ten years that I feel like I’m really celebrating something. No offense to my husband, but he knows I kinda like him so we don’t usually do anything for V-Day. However, having a child around for V-Day this year has really opened my heart and made me remember how special love is.


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