YouTube Tuesday: Guilty Pleasure Songs

So, I was checking That Cynking Feeling (not like that you perverts!) the other day and read this post on guilty pleasure songs. I laughed at the likes of Abba, Sir Mix A Lot, and Nickelback in her list, then left this comment... I might have to do a post of guilty pleasure songs. You’d surely laugh … Continue reading YouTube Tuesday: Guilty Pleasure Songs

YouTube Tuesday: The Forgotten Feature

I had stopped doing the YouTube Tuesday feature because 1) I reserved the right to stop whenever I wanted when I created it and 2) they weren't generating much traffic.  However, a dedicated reader pointed out to me that she missed the posts.  We all know that I'll shamelessly do just about anything to get … Continue reading YouTube Tuesday: The Forgotten Feature

YouTube Tuesday: Randomness

It's that time again! No, not for the Wheel of Morality, though that would be cool.  It's time for YouTube Tuesday!  Yay!! This week's theme will be...nonexistent.  I don't feel like having a theme.  So there. These videos will be completely random.  And stuph!  Enjoy! And there you are!  I … Continue reading YouTube Tuesday: Randomness