Our First Serious Injury

I was absent from the virtual world for most of yesterday.  Most of you probably didn’t notice.  Those of you who did are online too much.  Seriously, get out and take a walk or something.  Yes, that statement is directed at me, too.  I spend entirely too much time online.

I spend most of my time online at work, where chattering back and forth on Twitter and through WP comments keeps me sane throughout the day.  Yesterday was not one of those days even though I was supposed to be at work.

I was at work, actually, for all of 30 minutes.  Then my phone rang.  I could hear the unmistakable sound of Baby C crying in the background before I could even say hello.  It was my mother, who now watches Baby C while I’m at work.

Evidently, my mother had underestimated Baby C’s reach when she placed her freshly made tea on the counter yesterday morning.  In the two seconds she had turned her back to him he had grabbed it and ripped it from the counter and dumped scalding hot liquid over his chest and arm in the process.

“I’m not his guardian so I can’t take him to the emergency room,” my mother explained.

I quickly inquired about the extent of his injuries.  “Are there any red marks or blisters?”

“None that I can see,” she answered.

“Okay, give him a bath in luke-warm water,” I instructed.  “He loves a good bath and that will calm him down.  If you do see any blisters or think he needs to go to the ER, call me back and I’ll leave right away.”

She acknowledged and we hung up.  Not more than five minutes later my phone rang again.  It was my mother again.  There were red marks.  There were blisters.

I told her I’d leave immediately and hung up the phone.  I quickly explained to my boss what had happened and jetted.  I half-ran to my car and sped home.  I’m not sure how many traffic laws I violated during that drive, but had a cop been anywhere near me I might have lost my license yesterday.

I arrived at my mother’s house and ran inside.  She had Baby C wrapped in a blanket, wearing nothing but his diaper.  He face was beat red and he couldn’t stop crying.  She had been trying to get some dry clothes on him but he wasn’t cooperating.  I grabbed my son and took him to the couch so I could examine him.

It was a struggle (that child has a surprisingly good grip) to pull him away from my body, but I managed to do so.  There were streaks of red burn marks going down the left side of his chest with a pretty good-sized blister where his chest and belly meet.  There was also a pretty good-sized blister on his left arm just below his arm pit.

I concluded that it wasn’t life or death, but it needed medical attention.  As I held my son I whipped out my cell phone and dialed his doctor’s office.  I explained the situation to the receptionist and she told me I could bring him up right away to be looked at.

I was able to get him dressed and off we went.  My mom drove while I sat in the back with Baby C and held his hand.  The car ride and comfort of my touch finally calmed him down and he actually almost fell asleep by the time we arrived at the office.

When I woke him up to take him in, the pain must have returned because he began wailing again.  I hugged him tightly and spoke soothing words into his ear as I carried him inside.  They got us to a room almost immediately and the doctor came in a few minutes later.

When the doctor came in it was again a struggle to get Baby C to let go of me so I could place him on the table to be examined.  The doctor looked at the burns, then looked at me and said, “This is good.”

I must have looked at him like he had just sprouted horns from his forehead because he then said, “Hear me out.  This is the best possible scenario.  He has some first and second degree burns, but they don’t look bad at all.  Just apply polysporin to them three times a day and wrap the one on his arm as that one worries me the most.  You want to make sure it doesn’t get infected.”

Phew!  I was glad to hear nothing serious would be required and I’m sure my mom was even more so because she was already beating herself up about it.  The doctor told me he’d send a nurse in to take care of the initial dressing.

Oh, and that was fun.  I tried to comfort Baby C and hold him still with my hands while the nurse cleaned the burns with iodine, but he was having none of it.  So I eventually had to pin him to the table WWE style so that the nurse could clean the burns and apply the polysporin and gauze to his arm.  The terrifying wail of a scared toddler is one of the worst sounds you’ll ever hear in your life.  I hate that sound and it’s even more disturbing when it’s your own child making it.

Baby C was ecstatic when we left.  He doesn’t like being in that office because he normally gets shots when he’s there.  Once in the car he was much happier.

We headed to Wal-Mart to get some more gauze and polysporin for his burns.  Once we were inside he was ecstatic because there are TV’s hanging all over the place and he just loves to shout out about things he recognizes.

“Look! It’s a TV!” he’d scream.  Then a little further down the aisle, “Look! It’s a TV!”  I knew he was feeling better when he started grabbing stuph from the shelf to put in the cart and grabbing stuph we had put in the cart and thowing it out onto the floor.

When we eventually got home he crashed and took a three and a half hour nap.  And I took a small nap with him.

Yes, my baby is fine, but we had a brief scare yesterday.  I’m sure it won’t be the last.  That child is fearless.

Query:  Do you have any injury stories to share?  Whether yours or your child’s?

64 thoughts on “Our First Serious Injury

  1. So sorry to hear of Baby C’s mishap. One of my nieces had an incident like that last summer, and the parents felt just awful.
    On a happier side note, LOVED the meme you used as the picture. We mimic that at our house all. the. time.


    1. I was a little nervous until I got there. Once I saw them I knew he was alright, but that they still needed attention.

      He’s fine now. By last night he was bouncing off the walls again and you’d never know he had been hurt.


  2. Ouch — poor Baby C. Glad it’s not too serious.

    But a caregiver can’t take a kid to the doctor/ER? What an asine policy! There must be some document (or you can make one up) saying this person has my permission to request emergency care for my child. Crazy.,

    But I’m really glad he’s ok.


    1. Nope. Only a legal guardian can give consent for care. It’s all CYA for hospitals and stuff so they can’t get sued. This is what our country has come to.


        1. I don’t know. Had it been more serious I would’ve met her at the hospital. Had it been more serious than that I would have had her call 911. I really don’t know and hope I never had to find out. I would assume in a life-threatening situation they act as they should, but in a non-life-threatening situation consent must be given.


  3. I am glad Baby C is feeling better, and I hope you and your mother are too.

    The kid burned his hand on a woodstove at a relative’s house when he was 18 months old. He always avoided it and said “hot” even when it wasn’t being used, but one day decided to just lay his hand on it before I could grab him. It was a minor burn, but on the palm of his hand so hard to keep dressed on an active toddler. 15 years later and I remember every second of it while he remembers nothing at all.


  4. Eeep, glad that he’s going to be okay.

    I can’t talk about injured children, but I have a tale of an injured senior Sister who I ended up taking to the A&E in Scarborough on the Saturday before Christmas. She’d gone out to deliver a present, slipped and fell and put out her hands to catch herself. She got back in soaked to the skin and I found her in the cloakroom and had to undo her coat for her, because she’d hurt her left hand. I sent her off to our infirmary wing for them to have a look at it (she was all for going straight to Chapel for Mid-Day Office). They arranged for our local friendly taxi driver (Paul Le Taxi, if you ever find yourself in Whitby and in need of a taxi) to take her to Whitby hospital, and then they rang us to say she was definitely broken and could someone scoop her up and take her to Scarborough because it needed an x-ray and Whitby’s x-ray department closes at 12 noon on a Saturday. So I volunteered, and after a quick lunch and preparing something for this Sister to eat, I then scooped her up and we got to Scarborough at about 2.15pm. It was 9.30pm when we walked out of Scarborough Hospital, despite our having had a letter from Whitby saying “dear colleagues, please x-ray Sister P, straighten her arm and stick her in plaster, love and kisses, Whitby”. By the time we got back to Whitby it was 10.30 at night. We’d missed afternoon tea, Vespers, supper and Compline, and to top it off, I didn’t have the key for the inner door because no-one had even thought it was going to take so long to get sorted! I was shattered but relieved to find a note on the door saying “don’t lock, LA & P are without key” and then all that remained was to get her to our infirmary wing (slightly easier said than done; she was all for going to her own room) and then myself to bed.


      1. I’ll pray you don’t have to deal with them ever! We’ve another Sister in Scarborough at the moment because she fell on Monday and broke her hip, and my Gran is in hospital with a broken thigh bone…

        Your comment about the legal guardian having to be there is not unique. Here in the UK, if I were to take one of my nieces or my nephew into hospital, the child would be taken off my hands and the doctors would decide on the best course of treatment without involving me, even though I’m the aunt of said child. One of my LiveJournal friends has the same problem with his son. The friend wasn’t married to the boy’s mother, and while the friend is mentioned on the birth certificate, because the boy was born before 2002 (I think) then although he’s the father, he’s not a legal parent without getting a certain form signed and the friend has tried to get his son’s mother to sign the form and nearly managed, but it didn’t work out at the last minute because she didn’t have all the documentation she was supposed to take, and so this poor chap is petrified of his son having an accident while he’s with him, because he’ll have no say in the boy’s treatment.


  5. Dude, that is some scary shit!! My s.i.l. was a burn nurse at Shriners for many years and those injuries are no small thing… Poor baby!

    We’ve had several scary incidents, but I won’t relive them because I get all verklempt and stuff…I no likely verklempt!

    And yeah, I noticed you were m.i.a., so what? Huh? What of it?


  6. Oh nooo. So glad baby (and Dad) are okay. And your poor Mom – my mother would have felt really guilty too. You can tell her Thing Two – around 15, 16 months I think – decided to try out super glue. Now that’s an interesting story, if by interesting you mean full of a mother freaking out.


  7. Thankful Baby C is okay, my nephew had a similar scare when he was about 3 years old, he toppled over a tray of gravy off the stove toward his chest. … same thing, doctor’s said to do. That was over 20 years ago, but I’ll never forget the cries from him, nor my own son just five years ago met the corner of a wall (age six) playing with his older brother (my oldest son – 11 y/o at the time). The wail from each child different, shrieking straight to my soul.
    We (my boys & I) were getting ready to leave for a game night – I’d gone downstairs to say bye to Hubby… boys started running around, youngest dodging the oldest – as the oldest was trying to “slap his cap” off the youngest’s head. Youngest dodged and weaved, once wrong way – – – 17 stitches later. He even took a picture smiling while at the ER before the incision was closed.

    Hang in there twindaddy, parenting is a journey that will bring us to many events that are nothing but that – a journey!


    1. Oh, I know. The twins have had their share and I had mine when I was young. I’m surprised Baby C made it this long as he’s quite fearless and into EVERYTHING.

      Thanks for your comments!


  8. My freezer door has ice packs my fridge door has aloe gel…first aid kit in the cabinet near by, the Neosporin is on my kitchen window sill. I am a grandmother…that should tell you something about accidents lol…


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