
9472065573_2c6abb69c9_bRedemption lurks
In unseen caverns
Like a wisp of wind
Like a warm embrace

I desperately covet
Those liberating words
The words
Which will set my guilt free
The words
Which will release
My tortured heart

“I forgive you”

I sometimes hate myself
Bitter about
My heinous choices
My shameful weakness
My lack of forgiveness
My wicked collapse

My grief
Flows like blood from a wound

My flaws
Exposed as the sun in the sky

My shame
Burns like the Northern Star

My anger
Roils like a deadly storm

By the skeletons in my closet

Poem inspired by this week’s prompt at The Reverie.

14 thoughts on “Redemption

  1. Receiving forgiveness is so important, sometimes we have to give it to ourselves. It’s too important to wait around for someone who might never reach the “place” necessary to give it. As for regrets and guilt and shame – people just have to do what they have to, to stop feeling those things. If they can’t apologize to the person they’ve offended, they just have to get it out somehow and let it go. Do what you have to do in order to never think about it again. Rip the bandage off. Not to get religious or anything (I am not a “Bible Thumper” *wink wink*) but when we ask God for forgiveness He gives it immediately and never thinks about our offenses again. “As far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.” So, if He can forgive us “just like that” who are we not to forgive ourselves? He wants us to be happy and unencumbered by things we did when we were learning, just like any good parent would. If people pay an initial price for things they did that result in guilt, shame, and regret – then that is all that is required. We don’t have to pay and pay and pay, over and over, years and years. Learn from it, do what you can to make ammends with the person and yourself, and let it go. Once you learn from it, you are free. xo

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  2. I love your poetry. I think the most important forgiveness often comes when we forgive ourselves, accept our own flaws and drop the guilt we carry around. It needs to come from inside rather than seeking it from someone else. Also to be forgiven we must also forgive. Now if only that was as easy in real life!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Really good, and full of such deep emotions. The thing is, if you wait for ‘that person’ to forgive you, you could be waiting forever. Forgive them for hanging onto their anger, and get on with your life. Yes, it will probably always rankle, but you cannot let that stop you.

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