What is your Blogger Personality Profile?

Check out this really cool test/quiz developed by Rarasaur. It’s pretty neat.

Ra-Son Blogger Type Identity Profile Test – I/E – Introspective or Extroverted
( E ) – Extroverted

Facebook quizzes & Blog quizzes by Quibblo

Ra-Son Blogger Type Indicator Profile Test – D/G – Development or Gain
( D ) – Personal Development

Facebook quizzes & Blog quizzes by Quibblo

Ra-Son Blogger Type Indicator Profile Test – M/S – Multiple Topic or Single Topic
(M) Multiple Topic

Facebook quizzes & Blog quizzes by Quibblo

Ra-Son Blogger Type Indicator Profile Test – C/T – Citing or Theorizing
(C) Citing

Facebook quizzes & Blog quizzes by Quibblo


13 thoughts on “What is your Blogger Personality Profile?

  1. Ahhh, you re-blogged, how positively fabulous! 😀 Thank you so much! I’m hoping more people will re-blog so a wider diversity of people will take the quiz and poll. I appreciate the reblog and I’m glad the personality fits so well, haha! 😀


      1. I think it was the “independently-formed decisions and thoughts” that would have made me pick this one for us, just based on the words… because all that is just psych test code for “You don’t shy away from your opinions, and you tell it like it is. In an intelligent way.”


          1. I have to admit, I’m envious of the ability, even if it is anger driven sometimes. Occasionally things make me downright cranky, but I sit down to write about it and just choke up… like I stop being able to articulate if it’s not going to be all positive, or if I can justify that it’s not any of my business, haha. Oi, my mind is a trap. 🙂


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