What I should be doing instead

Another day, another Daily Prompt.  I’m guessing that’s why it’s called Daily Prompt, but I guess I’ll never know for certain.  Today’s prompt is about self-reflection, and analyzing things you’re doing wrong, or at least the things you’re not doing right.  Like I’ve got all day to do that…

Tell us about something you know you should do . . . but don’t.

There are a multitude of things I should do yet don’t.  Sometimes it’s because I’m lazy.  Sometimes it’s because I lack the time.  Other times it’s because blogging.  Often times it’s because I just don’t care.

This was such a hit yesterday I decided to bring it back again. You’re welcome.

Probably the item highest on the list of things I should be doing is exercise.  I don’t really have much of an option to do so at home as I have a two-year old to care for, but I have time at work.  Unfortunately I can’t pull myself away from my blog long enough to do it.  It’s not even the writing so much now as it is the reading.  I follow so many great blogs and I try to ensure that I read every post but it’s becoming a difficult task to achieve.  Every day I find another blogger whom I want to follow and that only adds to the task.  At last count I was following 106 blogs, so if I haven’t gotten to you that’s why.

It’s about respect, though.  Most of those bloggers follow me and I feel like I should repay the favor in kind if they’ve taken the time to read and comment on my blog.  It’s not that I don’t enjoy it, because I do otherwise I wouldn’t follow you, but I just feel that if you’ve taken the time to pour your heart and soul (or hilarity) into a post it deserves to be read.

Also, I’ve become addicted to WordPress.  The interaction I have with other bloggers is so entertaining I get lost in fun exchanges.

There are other things I should be doing, as well.  I need to eat healthier, especially since I’m sitting on my ass most of the day.  I need to start reading that novel that’s been sitting on my nightstand since November.  I need to shave more than once a week, but I hate shaving.

Ugh, okay.  I’m done searching for my deficiencies now.  This is lame.  I’m all about the positivity now.  I’m a glass-half-full kinda guy!  Thanks, Prozac!

Check out these other great Daily Prompt posts!

  1. Shoulda Woulda Coulda – But I didn’t, so I can’t, so I won’t « Q the Adult
  2. Daily Prompt: Shoulda Woulda Coulda | Phenomenal Lass
  3. 22 Questions and Hot New Finds « In Harmony
  4. Daily Prompt: Shoulda Woulda Coulda « My thoughts, My life
  5. The long list…. « Spunky Wayfarer
  6. I Should | Mind of a Mouse
  7. Daily Prompt: Shoulda Woulda Coulda | بيسان
  8. Shoulda Woulda Coulda | Never Stationary

53 thoughts on “What I should be doing instead

  1. ” I follow so many great blogs and I try to ensure that I read every post but it’s becoming a difficult task to achieve. Every day I find another blogger whom I want to follow and that only adds to the task.”

    Wow! I know exactly what you mean. So much to read, so little time. I think I read more words here than I do in books these days. I share your addiction, and now I am adding your blog to my list… when will it end!?! 🙂


  2. Lent starts today. I’ve given up all unhealthy foods. I should.give up the war between me and insanity but that would leave me bored and well, insane. 106 blogs, wow.


  3. Ah time, the least abundant resource. When we try to do everything it can make it hard to do anything. I admore your drive to read the posts of everyone you follow. I am lucky to do that every other day and there is a bit of guilt I guess. but i relaize the limits of my time.


    1. Haha. True, but I’d like to be around as long as possible for my children. But, I rationalize it by saying I could die in an accident tomorrow, even though I don’t really think that.


  4. It is a problem Exercise and blogging are a tough combo. I put a board across my treadmill and read blogs while I walk. My comments have more typos than before.


  5. You can get an exercise bike – those fold up. I have one now. Haven’t figured out how to balance the keyboard on it yet but they actually have some with desks. Weird. Anyway, I think it’d be great to see a stormtrooper on an elliptical. What should I do but don’t? Everything.


  6. I guess I am lucky in that there are not that great a number of blogs I follow yet, I am not sure what a comfortable number would be. But as for doing other stuff, there is so much I should be doing but right now, in fact for the last few days, I really cannot be arsed.


  7. Some days I have to blog while exercising. It’s looks ridiculous. I’m on a stationary bike pushed close to a table, but the table is too low for my laptop so I use a dozen books to prop it up. Plus side, the stack of books make me look well read. Down side, those books never get read. I wish I could read at super human speed!


  8. I have no idea how many blogs I follow because I don’t know how to find out, but I do know it’s way over 50. I do try my hardest to keep up with them all as I check the reader first thing in the morning and in the evening. That way I can at least give them a read.
    Oh, not sure if you looked or not, but I nominated you for an award, accept, don’t accept it, that’s up to you. 😉 http://sarahneeve.wordpress.com/2013/02/13/award-ketchup/


  9. Reading blogs taking up more time than writing blogs? Check.
    Playing on WordPress when I should be doing other things? Check.
    Excited to log on every day and see what everyone has written? Check.
    Completely, hopeless, addicted? Check.


      1. Hmmm baby carrier, baby carriage, baby sleugh… Help me out here! :O Or say to “Hell” with it and wait until spring. It’s too cold outside anyway…. what has happened to me, I used to teach PE and Health! Sigh…


  10. I agree with following blogs and trying to read them. I was away from the internet for the whole of Wednesday and when I came back to my email inbox on Thursday lunchtime, I had 71 unread emails, most of which were WP notifications of new posts and comments. I’m glad I’m on gmail because otherwise I suspect with all the comments, it might have been more like 300 unread emails. That’s one problem of following popular blogs and clicking the “notify me of follow-up comments” button.

    But exercise is over-rated anyway. Maybe play with your kids instead, take them outside and run around with them, and you’ll get both exercise and love.


      1. I keep forgetting that, even though I’m sat shivering with the cold!! Plus I have the advantage of there being a beach within walking distance from me, which I forget that most of the world doesn’t have.


          1. Just like swimming in the sea on the north-east coast of England then! I meant more for walking on the beach (when the tide is out). You don’t swim in the North Sea unless you’re very brave, mad, or suicidal. I’ll paddle, but only in the summer when it’s really hot!


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