Kraft, One Million Moms Engaged in Meaningless Online Feud

Well, here’s a full house of stupidity.  Kraft recently launched an ad campaign for its Zesty Italian salad dressing with a bare-chested, hot Italian dude endorsing the product.  In one particular ad, the dude is laying naked on a picnic blanket with a corner of the blanket pulled over his, um, junk (modesty people!) and a bottle of the dressing laying next to him, along with other various picnic items.

If I were a woman, I don’t think I’d be wanting a salad after seeing this. Might need to change the panties, though…

One Million Moms (which is basically an all female version of the GOP) has branded the ad disgusting and launched its own campaign to have Kraft’s campaign removed.  There’s a lot of campaigning going on here, folks.  This is serious stuph.

So let’s break this down piece by piece, shall we?  Let’s first address Kraft’s Zesty hunky Italian dude (I wish that were my name).  A Kraft spokesperson defended the ad campaign by saying, “We wanted to recognize our consumers as more than just moms, but also as women and give her a campaign that has her view Kraft salad dressings in a whole new way.”  Ok, fine.  You’re correct.  Women are indeed more than just mom’s.  They are women, too.  They enjoy eye candy just as much as men do.  BUT, are you really suggesting that women are the only people who eat salad?  I’m a guy.  I like a salad every now and again.  Furthermore, I know lots of guys who like salad.  I find it rather short-sighted of Kraft to market a product consumed by both genders specifically to women.  But that’s okay.  I prefer Ranch dressing anyhow.  So take that, fuckers.

English: Ellen DeGeneres in 2009.
Had they organized the boycott because she’s not funny I would have signed up for it. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Let’s move on to One Million Moms.  One Million Moms is the same group that attempted to organize a boycott of JC Penney (after JC Penney selected Ellen DeGeneres as their spokeswoman) for having an openly gay spokeswoman, so you know right off the bat that they’re a big group of haters.  Their online campaign (is there an online campaign for everything these days?) claims the ad is “the most disgusting ad we have ever seen Kraft produce.”  Honestly OMM, is there anything in that ad you don’t see if you go to the local pool or to a beach?  Any dude wearing speedos at the beach is showing more skin than “the Zesty Guy,” (as he’s come to be known on Twitter) is in this ad.  So what’s the deal?  Are you just making noise simply for the sake of making noise?  Are you just not happy unless you have something to bitch about?  Is this what the right has been reduced to?  Oh, we have nothing legitimate to bitch about so let’s just throw shit at the wall and see what sticks!  Ugh, get a life people.

Quite simply, both Kraft and OMM are stupid in scenario:  Kraft for marketing exclusively to women and OMM for existing, and making much ado about nothing.  In short, there’s nothing to see here, people.  Move along.

Link:  Kraft Zesty Italian Salad Dressing, Rock-Hard Abs Stir Controversy

142 thoughts on “Kraft, One Million Moms Engaged in Meaningless Online Feud

  1. Thanks for posting, I didn’t know anyone else was as offended as I was at the Kraft commercials. I haven’t seen the one with him laying down. Gross!

    My husband happened to be in the room when they ran one of the other commercials, the other day. I HATE those commercials. I told him I will never buy another Kraft product.

    I think the commercials are VERY insulting to me as a woman but I don’t buy Harlequin romance novels either and I know they do a booming business.

    It also pisses me off that I have to police the commercials for children this is not appropriate for.

    It is a HUGE fail on Krafts part. They are trying to do what “I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter” does. THEIR commercials are not offensive.

    So what is the difference? The Kraft commercial is slimy. ICBINBL is classy without going too far. Romance is wonderful AND a wonderful way to advertise. Kraft producers did NOT get it. Epic fail.


    1. Um, I’m not offended. Perhaps you misread the post.

      What, precisely, are you offended by? Sure, it’s a little risque but there’s nothing in this ad that isn’t any worse than, say, an Herbal Essence commercial (having an orgasm while shampooing your head – really?) or a beer commercial (women in bikinis). Furthermore, as I stated in my post, the guy in the ad isn’t any less covered than a guy at the beach or pool wearing speedos. So explain what the problem here is.


      1. No, I didn’t misread your post but I guess I should have been more clear in that respect.

        I did explain what I thought the difference is. I don’t like the Herbal Essence commercial either.

        I just think it’s an ultra sleazy commercial. I love their product but I can make my own. I won’t buy.

        I’m not part of these Million women but I do support their opinion. They are united in something they feel strongly about.

        As an adult, I don’t like it but as a grandmother, I see NO need for me to try to explain this commercial to my 9 yo grandson. Why prime time for a commercial so provocative? What are they selling when the product
        IS so obscured by the provocative nature of the commercial.

        I don’t know, do y’all have kids? I wouldn’t turn the channel on a Victoria’s Secret or ICBINB commercial. I DO for Kraft and Herbal Essence. It’s TOO much, too far.

        We don’t agree, I think that’s great. I’m just telling you a different perspective.


        1. I can’t answer that. I don’t know why it’s so provocative. But in this commercial, what do you have to explain? It’s just a naked dude laying out on a picnic table with his essentials covered up. I’m not defending the commercial at all because it’s stupid and has nothing to do with the product they’re selling, but how is it inappropriate? And do you take your grandchildren out in public with blindfolds on? Unless you do, they will see this type of thing anywhere.


      2. When I first saw one of the commercials I thought the commercial target group was gay males, not that I have a problem with that. There is something about that guy AND the commercial, it’s just not QUALITY in any fashion. Chippendales do nothing for me either. They do for some.

        As an example let me use Charlie Sheen. I think 2.5 Men is HILARIOUS! Chuck Lorre makes me laugh like no other. Great show, Charlie is GREAT in it.

        Now Charlie has Anger Management. The jokes are not quite as funny, story lines not as polished, they cross boundaries in a CRUDE way.

        2.5 crossed every boundary but not in the same manner.

        It’s like one person can say “fuck” and it just sounds like a word, another can say it and it sounds crass.

        The commercial goes too far and I have no problem saying so. We disagree but it is what it is.

        In answer do I take my children out? Yes. We go where everywhere else goes. We go to Victoria Secret. Beautiful under ware with beautiful women. If I walked into VS and there was a leg spread crotch staring me in face, I would say something. I have in different instances.

        I do agree most prime time not fit for youngers.


    2. Okay, I’m confused – how is Victoria’s Secret better? My problem with their models is not that they’re in underwear (they are, at least, actually advertising underwear) but that they look anorexic, which is not the best example for young girls. As far as the Kraft commercial? It’s just dumb. My daughters would turn the channel on their own without my help.


  2. Ads market to men all the time though with things that women also use/consume. Beer ads are always highly sexist and generally targeted to men with scantily clad women or promises of them. Women are normally used in ads for salads because they know men aren’t as big salad eaters. The hot guy is just giving their select demographic what they want. Ad agencies are marketing to make money so if they think a larger demographic exists they will market to it so long as there is money to be made (men eat salad but they are a smaller, less profitable demographic compared to women).

    This is one of the few ads I have seen objectifying a man to sell a product. Traditionally women are objectified to sell products. I see this as no worse than what has been happening all along the other way around.

    Personally, it would be nice if humans didn’t have to be objectified as sex objects at all to sell products/services but they are.

    The guy is easy on the eyes and has the important bits covered. Women are often not given so much consideration to their ‘modesty’ in ads.


    1. You’re right. Most ads for multi-gender use, are targeted towards men when they target a specific gender. I’m not defending that in any way or saying it’s right. I know just as many women that drink beer as men, for example. I was merely commenting that I though it was kind of stupid to target women specifically in this ad for this product.

      Furthermore, were that a barely naked woman instead of man in that ad, I still wouldn’t buy their product because….I prefer Ranch dressing. I honestly fail to understand a lot of marketing these days because I don’t know one person who has ever been influenced by an ad. Not one. People buy products based on their tastes and the recommendations of their friends. At least, all of the people I know.


      1. LOL, I guess the ad companies won’t make any profit off you 😉
        Yes a lot of ads are stupid and typically don’t ‘work’ on me either. The problem with many ads are they make their product seem a lot better than it is. Or they use sex to sell a mundane product. If they just gave us the factual information though I suppose people would fall asleep. To be positive though I will say some ads are at least entertaining! They still don’t work on me usually but I enjoy a chuckle or ‘aw’ from some of them 🙂 (have you seen those cute baby animals Telus uses in their phone ads? 😉 )


        1. Nope. I can’t even tell you the last time I watched any programming on TV. My TV is normally playing Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Sesame Street, or one of the two Cars movies for Baby C’s consumption.

          I happened across this article as I was on Yahoo deleting my account (RIP, 2003) and got a good laugh out of it so I thought I’d share.


          1. Haha, okay. I don’t watch TV much but watch a couple of shows still, primarily Coronation Street and one or two others on occasion. I’m a devoted Corrie fan so HAVE to watch 😉


          2. What?! (mock horror) you’ve never heard of Coronation Street? LOL, oh well. It’s a British soap opera televised in the Commonwealth countries so here in Canada it is aired on CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) but in the UK it is on ‘itv’. It’s a soap about working class Brits with the usual soap opera drama but it’s also humorous.


      2. Brother, do you remember the little old lady that use to say “Where’s the beef?” Wendy’s sales rose by 30%. I don’t get it because I thought it was an annoying commercial but it’s what I read.


      1. I don’t know if you ever listened to Drew and Mike while you were in Michigan. They were hilarious. They had a drop of Richard Simmons saying “Toss my salad”. It was funny and disgusting at the same time.


  3. Whoa whoa whoa ….hold on.

    I happen to LIKE that dude. Can we agree to disagree. 😬 Just this once??
    Pretty Please??
    The thought of pouring zesty Italian dressing all over him….I MEAN SALAD…and just slowly eating it bite by bite….I’m outta breath already….
    That dude is one hot piece of romaine heart lettuce. Whew.
    Now what were you saying!? Lol. JJ


  4. OMM, sigh. There are way more moms than that in the world. I wish OMM would just go AWOL and leave the rest of us alone.

    I’ve missed this kind of stuph.


  5. I’m with you. This is silly. So what if they targeted it to women? What’s the big deal? That JC Penney boycott is even more ridiculous.
    Oh, but thank you OMM if it weren’t for you I would’ve never found this ad. Off to watch the whole thing on youtube now 😉


  6. I’m sure Kraft is secretly happy that their Zesty dressing is getting so much extra coverage. And coincidentally, OMM’s complaint is also that the guy needs more coverage.


    1. I know what their complaint is and it’s stupid. And I’m sure Kraft is very pleased with the controversy. There is no such thing as bad press, amiright?


  7. I totally agree. I actually saw this ad recently, and it took me 10 minutes to figure out what the fuck it was even trying to sell. That’s not even good advertising.


  8. Well, women also buy booze and cars but marketing (unless it’s for family cars) for these items is predominantly directed towards men and often includes sexy womenfolk. I love this ad, I think it’s hilarious and the dude is smoking. I am a fan of the turnabout in marketing towards women as creatures who have a baser nature and appreciate a raunchy joke 😉


    1. I have no problem with the turn about. I really don’t. If companies are going to use sex in advertising it should go both ways. But it’s salad dressing, for fuck’s sake. And if a product is used by both genders it’s stupid to only market to one gender no matter WHICH way it goes.


  9. People get worked up about the stupidest things. People get upset about women breast feeding in public. That being said, I don’t want to associate my food products with some hairy naked guy, so…


  10. Great post. The guy is hot. I usually go for organic foods and what not (and have to make sure they are gluten-free), but he would certainly make me consider buying Kraft’s dressing.

    I think Kraft aimed their marketing this way because many women do the grocery shopping – not always the case, but certainly the majority.

    And for those that get so worked up about stuph (ha ha!) like this, well, I just feel there are more important issues in the world to tackle than a half naked man selling salad dressing or Ellen Degenerous pitching JC Penny.


  11. Wasn’t OMM also having a fit over the GEICO commercial where the annoying pig was on a date with a human? Something about implied beastiality? If so, then that’s all I need to know about OMM. Count me out of their numbers.

    (my phone is dying or I would try to link to the commercial)


  12. I want a half naked greek man, wrapped in saran wrap (the red holiday kind) and dripping with ranch. While on a hammock…..


  13. I don’t eat salad often, but I do buy salad dressing…so I don’t know how I should feel about this

    I agree with Jack Joseph’s Mom. It seems that Kraft assumes that it’s women doing the grocery shopping…which is a whole other thing that I don’t want to get involved with. Besides…Kraft dinner is the best. Now I’m hungry…again.


  14. Women drink beer, yet it’s marketed almost exclusively to men. Women’s groups didn’t complain about that. This is just another example of volume winning out over common sense.


  15. OMM is just so stupid. Why won’t these people that want to ban stuff figure out that all it does is make it more famous? So stupid. Like, um, here’s an idea. Complain about children in our own country not having a place to live or food to eat. I’d worry about that before I’d worry about them seeing a guy in a picnic blanket.


  16. Maybe this whole thing woud’ve been resolved had they put a naked woman on the blanket to and had them rolling around on the blanket or something. But then gays would’ve wanted two same sex folk there and then overweight women would’ve wanted a shapelier woman and so and and forth. I don’t eat dressing. Just pass the lettuce, please.


  17. Wow he was not in the salad dressing isle when I purchased my bottle today, I am sure I would have noticed. He was not at the check out or in my yard when I got home…guess life goes on with or without him lol….thanks for sharing.


  18. Kraft should try to raise their children better for them. Shame on Kraft! This Million Mom group is a by-product of the American Family Association which defines itself as “a Christian organization promoting the biblical ethic of decency in American society with primary emphasis on television and other media.” Because, yeah, the bible is chalk full of wonderfully ethical guidelines that translate into real world scenarios.


      1. Had to go to a meeting (yes, nuns have meetings, we need to know who is and isn’t going to be around during the week – dull as ditchwater but kind of important) and then went to practice my flute (as the meeting finished early). I’m writing, but I’ve only got 15 minutes right now, so I’ll be finishing it off probably when I get back after choir practice. I’ll have it ready to post probably by half 9 tonight UK time, which is in about 4 hours.


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