Share Your World – 2014 Week 9

It’s time for Share Your World, which actually means it’s time for me to share my world because I’m awesome and you know you want to know everything about me. Don’t hate me because I’m interesting.

I know, I know. I get that all the time.

Would you prefer a reading nook or an art, craft, photography studio?

Well, since I don’t do any sort of art, craft, or photography, I’ll hafta go with a reading nook. I’d also have to set it up as a writing nook, as well. It only seems fitting that I do my reading and writing in the same place, no?

Would you prefer the TV in the living room or another room?

Where else would it be other than the living room? I mean, I do have TVs in other rooms, but if I only had one it would go in the living room. That’s where we can watch movies as a family, or perhaps even play Scene It or some other game. Mostly, it’s where we watch Bubble Guppies and Chuggingtons because what Baby C says goes. He’s a nasty little tyrant.

What color would you like your bedroom to be?

I honestly don’t care what color my bedroom is as long as it’s not some bright/pastel color that will drive me nuts. I’m not one for interior decorating. My bedroom is for sleeping, um, mostly, so the colors of my walls don’t much matter to me.

Would you prefer a one floor house or multiple levels?

I prefer a ranch home if I have a choice. It’s easier not to have to carry all kinds of shit up and down stairs. Plus, it seems to be easier to control the temperature in a ranch. I currently rent a two-story townhouse and there is an extremely noticeable difference in temperature between upstairs and downstairs.

Bonus question:  What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?

I’m grateful for second (or third or fourth or fifth) chances. I’ve lost count. I’m just grateful for an opportunity to make things right. I’m grateful that things are going well for the first time in a long time. I’m grateful for my tax returns and paying off debts that were eating away at me. I’m grateful for new music (I just discovered In This Moment and I’m hooked). I’m grateful for coffeh! I’m grateful to have finally had portraits taken of my boys for the first time in years. I’m grateful for my wonderful, mostly well-behaved kids (I’m being haved – Baby B, when he was young and cute). Lastly, I’m grateful to Cee for these awesome questions!

Isn’t learning new things fun?? If you’d like to answer these questions yourself (and why wouldn’t you?), head on over to Cee’s Photography and link up with us!



32 thoughts on “Share Your World – 2014 Week 9

  1. Glad to hear at the end there that everything is going well!

    I wouldn’t want to live without a tv, but I could do without my godawful cable provider.


      1. Off white?! Oh man. I think you’d be surprised at how colour can affect/change a mood. Or ones mood. I get more depressed when things are only white. I have to have colour


          1. Ha! I’m different that way. I’ve painted every place that I rent, even if I have to paint it back when I leave. For me, I have to have colour or I actually do get depressed. On apt. I lived in I painted the main two areas that I would be our living/dining room and our bedroom.

            A house we rented I painted the entire house…lol We had a great landlord. We didn’t have to paint it back. That house actually ended up having a bit too much colour.


  2. Where I grew up, a lot of people had TVs in the bedroom. They complained that they couldn’t sleep at night so they like to turn the TV on. If you have a TV in your bedroom, chances are you’re not going to fall asleep because you know you can simply roll over and turn the TV on. People aren’t that smart.

    You have a ton of things to be grateful for! It’s so refreshing to see. Too many blog posts are just an emotional dump of wallow and sadness. Mine gets like that too, sometimes. I should do a gratitude post.


    1. I do have a lot to be grateful for, though I rarely recognize that. I’m normally so focused on my depression and what’s wrong that I don’t see what’s right.

      Maybe I should make that a regular feature or something….


      1. That’s all a part of the human condition. This focusing on what’s bothering us. I wonder why that is? Why is it an effort to see what’s right and part of our nature to dwell on what’s wrong? We are so fucked up.


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