Stereotyping – I’m a Work in Progress

I was stopped at a red light on my way home the other day when I was passed by a luxury vehicle going the opposite way. The vehicle was being driven by a thin, middle-aged white man with perfectly coiffed brown hair and he was wearing shades that looked to cost more than my entire … Continue reading Stereotyping – I’m a Work in Progress

You’ve Been Virtually Bitch-Slapped

Batman bitch slapping Robin

[Editor's Note: The Virtual Bitch-Slap is something which was concocted by Samara and I. We created the Virtual Bitch-Slap because some people are just too far away to justify the travel expenses that would be incurred simply to slap the shit out of someone. This idea is meant to be a playful tool used amongst … Continue reading You’ve Been Virtually Bitch-Slapped

Rant: Littering

During my commute to work this morning, I passed through a mowing zone. Workers were out and about this crisp autumn morn, bundled up in warm apparel and wearing their mandatory blaze-orange vests so they wouldn't be hit by some unsuspecting motorist. The scene I passed through befuddled me. We had our first frost last … Continue reading Rant: Littering

Kraft, One Million Moms Engaged in Meaningless Online Feud

Well, here's a full house of stupidity.  Kraft recently launched an ad campaign for its Zesty Italian salad dressing with a bare-chested, hot Italian dude endorsing the product.  In one particular ad, the dude is laying naked on a picnic blanket with a corner of the blanket pulled over his, um, junk (modesty people!) and … Continue reading Kraft, One Million Moms Engaged in Meaningless Online Feud