Baby Cornholio

My current life circumstances are as follows:

    1. I live with my in-laws.
    2. They only allow the twins over to the house every other weekend.  On Mondays and Wednesdays I have to find something else to do with them so we normally end up going out to eat and spending the rest of the night at my mom’s house.
    3. My wife is working second shift now, so I have Baby C, too.

All caught up?  Good.  We’ll carry on.

Tonight we ate at Golden Corral.  For those of you not familiar, it is a buffet steakhouse, similar to Ryan’s.  Their desert bar includes a chocolate fountain.

Baby C loves chocolate covered strawberries.  So tonight, he got some.  Roughly eight of them.  And that’s when it happened.

He started clenching his fists and shaking them.  He began violently shaking his head.  He started yelling incoherent things like, “Ching. Chong. Chang.” He was uncontrollably kicking his feet.

Yes, Baby C was in the midst of a sugar high.  And in this case, the “c” stood for Cornholio.

43 thoughts on “Baby Cornholio

    1. You? I was laughing my ass off while it happened. He was shaking just…like…cornholio. I have no idea where the ching chang chong shit came from. I’ve never heard him say that shit before.


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