Fall Into Autumn

The seasons turn like an automated revolving door. Always in motion. Autumn officially arrived weeks ago, but it seems mother nature just got the memo. The weather has finally cooled. The mornings are brisk. The sun rises later by the day. Cold dew blankets my car in the morning. The cold embrace of winter eagerly awaits its return. 

For many of us the seasons are changing, bouncing unpredictably between cold and warm. Are you glad to be moving into a new season, or wishing for one more week of the old?

I’m always relieved when summer is over. Sure, there are some great things about summer. Swimming pools. The beach. Fireworks. Lightening bugs. None of it, to me, is worth the sweltering heat which accompanies them all. I loathe temperatures over 85 degrees. I’m from the north, dammit, and I like my cold weather. I’m not built for sizzling days and excessive perspiration. I hate sweating.

Autumn not only brings cooler temperatures, but also some of my favorite things. The twins go back to school. Yay! NFL and NCAA football returns. Football! Woot! Autumn also brings with it two of my favorite holidays: Halloween and Thanksgiving.

The twins don’t really do Halloween anymore, but Baby C does. So that will be fun for him. Plus, I can steal some of his candy.

Thanksgiving is, I think, my favorite holiday. I get a four-day weekend out of it, first of all. Secondly, I love all of the togetherness and food that goes along with the weekend. We spend time with family. Then we eat. Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, pumpkin pie, egg nog. Yummy! Then there’s football. Thanksgiving is normally the one time a year I get to see my hometown Lions play.

Also, some of my favorite foods are appropriate for the cooler weather. Chileh! Hot chocolate! Pumpkin Spiced Lattes! I’ve already made three pots of chileh since Autumn returned. Oh, how delicious.

Then finally, Fall is a segue into Winter. Hoodies. Snow. More chileh. Christmas. New Year’s. Am I glad summer is finally over? Hellz yeah.

Query: Are you glad all that incessant heat is behind us? My servos were beginning to dry rot. Speak now, meatbag!

Check out these other unshitty Daily Prompt posts:

  1. Light on the other side | Inside my glitching mind
  2. Red berries | Inside my glitching mind
  3. Make your lady happy | Inside my glitching mind
  4. Walking in an Autumn Wonderland | A String of Pearls
  5. Mid-Season Replacement | Geek Ergo Sum
  6. Seasons | Motherhood and Beyond
  7. 11 Daily Prompt: Mid-Season Replacement | Family, Photos, Food & Craft
  8. Daily Prompt: Mid-Season Replacement | Under the Monkey Tree
  9. Seasons | The Magic Black Book
  10. Golden Tree | While I breathe, I hope.
  11. To everything a season | alienorajt
  12. Daily Prompt: Mid-Season Replacement – FOREVER FALL | SERENDIPITY
  13. Changing seasons | Sue’s Trifles
  14. No, I’m not a fan of this at all | thoughtsofrkh
  15. It’s Good To Live Again [Daily Prompt: Mid-Season Replacement] | unknowinglee
  16. I messed up, big time. | I’m just Super Saiyan
  17. Barely Right of Center
  18. wish | yi-ching lin photography
  19. Daily Prompt: Mid-Season Replacement | Awl and Scribe
  20. The Haunt of Red October | Beth Byrnes
  21. The Falling Leaves… | Fika After Fifty Digital Photography and Art
  22. Morning Dew | Vampire Maman
  23. Orange Leaves (Seasons) | photo potpourri
  24. Daily Prompt: Mid-Season Replacement | littlegirlstory
  25. New Season’s Greetings Postponed | tuckedintoacorner
  26. Fall beauty conundrum « Welcome to Forgotonia
  27. new season | hitting a brick wall
  28. Ain’t no sunshine | The verbal hedge
  29. Falling Into A New Season | Kansa Muse on Micro Farming and More
  30. Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness. What it means to me. | Celia Micklefield -writer in Languedoc
  31. Suddenly it’s Autumn in Montreal | DCMontreal: Blowing the Whistle on Society
  32. Four Seasons | Ripples of Truth
  33. “Seasons” | Relax
  34. Today it Rained | Barefoot on Rainy Days
  35. Moving | Muddy River Muse
  36. Daily Prompt: Mid Season | Chronicles of an Anglo Swiss
  37. Fall Brings Hope (Short Story) | The Jittery Goat
  38. Daily Prompt: Mid-Season Replacement | The Story of a Guy
  39. Tis the season to be cold! | Kate Murray
  40. If Seasons Didn’t Change | Flowers and Breezes

90 thoughts on “Fall Into Autumn

  1. I love this. It is beautifully written – and you have got the tone for each season so brilliantly: a pleasure to read. Alienora


  2. I like all of your reasons. I just wish I lived in a place where it wasn’t 90 one day and 59 three days later. That is “fall” here in VA. I miss “real” seasons.


  3. Though I am jealous that you get to enjoy lightning bugs wherever you are for your summer (lucky…), WINTER IS COMING. I’m a fan of the slight change in temperature, but too much cold is just that – too cold.


  4. I used to hate summer. I don’t know when that changed, but now I have a definite pattern with each season of loving it, liking it, NEEDING IT TO END. Except Autumn. Always been my favorite, always will be.


  5. While I love a hot Summer, Fall and Winter make me happy because I can bring out my woolies and wear them again. It’s so much easier to be able to add layers to adjust my temperature. Spring sucks because of all the pollen, but it is pretty…


  6. Pumpkin spiced lattes… oh, man. Winter… my seasonal affective disorder can get bad but there’s something about winter. Thank you for writing this.


  7. My husband keeps trying to talk me into moving places like Arizona or Utah. Never happening. Ever. I hate heat. I’ll stick to my subzero depressing winters over that.


      1. The cold can get brutal but that’s why they invented fire! Except for the taxes I think it’s great here. The only place I’d move to is a few hours more north – to Canada. And I don’t think they’d want me 😉


  8. I’m a sweatloaf, so I sweat no matter what season it is. Summer is my favorite, sorry. However, Thanksgiving is my bestest, favoritest holiday for the same reasons you cited. Christmas can go suck it.


  9. Rants is not a Christmas guru, so I feel it is my duty to impart as much Christmas joy as humanly possible all over his blog…fills me with unending happiness to see him grumble. As for Autumn…LOVE IT!! Finally everybody is wearing socks. Barefeet in shoes was grossing me out. Seriously.


  10. So happy to have this summer behind us… After spending 18 years in the desert, I’ve now spent 14 years living on the coast and I think I’ve forgotten how to cope with the heat because the last couple summers have been miserable even though they haven’t been all that hot.


  11. fall is the best season! kids back to school, structure… perfect for running, no more mosquitoes or sunblock… crisp, refreshing air and changing trees. it’s like a new beginning. with pumpkin lattes!


  12. Deep inside you’re a romantic, Twindaddy. that’s why you love Autumn. Summer is for the fun-loving prancing types. You love the chilly snugly amber golden days! Ya?


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