Finding Fun In Everyday Tasks

It truly amazes me how much joy can be found in the most banal of circumstances by a child. Baby C can find excitement in such mundane things as running across a linoleum floor, spinning the office chair, walking on the treadmill, seeing the moon suspended in the sky (look, Daddy, it’s the moon!), or parading up and down the stairs.

Sunday night I tossed a basket full of clean clothes onto my bed so I could put them away. I know you’re jealous of my glamorous life, but that’s not why I’m telling you this. I went to the twins room to tell them that they needed to start getting ready for bed. As was talking to them I heard Baby C shout, “Look at me, Daddy!”

I sauntered back into my bedroom to find my youngest son on my bed sitting atop of my overturned laundry basket. This, evidently, was the most hilarious thing ever. He couldn’t stop laughing. I left him there to his fun and started fishing empty hangers out of my closet. I stacked them neatly on the bed beside my haphazard pile of clean clothes. I took one hanger and one shirt, paired them, and hung them in the closet. By the time I turned back around, Baby C had toppled the stack of hangers. He also had both feet waving around with a hanger dangling from each foot. “Look, Daddy!”

He “helped” me by handing me empty hangers until I had hung all of my shirts. Then he climbed back on top of the laundry basket. As he was sitting there, he slowly started leaning to his right until he lost his balance and went face first into my mattress.

“Oh, no!” I exclaimed with feigned shock, “did you fall down go boom?”

“Yes!” he answered excitedly. And a new game had been born.

He began a ten minute (at least) marathon of climbing on to the basket and jumping off…and landing on his butt. Each successful butt-landing elicited hysterical laughter. This was excruciatingly cute, so of course I dutifully grabbed my phone and began recording. His second jump after I began recording he landed butt-first on the edge of the basket instead of clearing it. This launched him face-first into my pillows and was evidently more hilarious than all of his other jumps because this jump drew more laughter than the rest.

I eventually moved on to the rest of my awaiting laundry. Baby C quickly realized I wasn’t  always watching and made me stop what I was doing before every jump. Look at me, Daddy! Daddy, I fall down go BOOM! 

I eventually finished putting all of my laundry away, but I had an incredible time while doing so. Watching Baby C have a blast, hearing him laugh, turned an ordinary night into a memorable night. His innocent cackle makes me smile without fail. His unabashed exuberance fuels me. His radiant smile energizes me. His ability to find something fun in every situation is inspiring and is something I can definitely learn from. It is something I should learn from.

76 thoughts on “Finding Fun In Everyday Tasks

  1. I could picture the whole scenario in my mind . . . adorable. I was telling a co-worker not too long ago that I learn from my children everyday. I love how they can often put me in my place. Well written Twindaddy. : )


  2. Why do we lose the magic of seeing the pure awesomeness in every day things as we get older? When do flowers and dolphins just become flowers and dolphins? When does Halloween and Christmas just become holidays? When do friends just become people we know better than other people? When does the idea of getting dirty or covered with paint seem like a bad thing? When does smearing birthday cake all over ourselves suddenly seem like a bad idea? When do butterflies turn into flying insects? When does taking a bath seem like a chore? When does running around then house snaked start to seem like a crazy idea???
    oh man… I need to borrow this back for the new series I am doing about brains!


  3. Something we should all learn from. It’s amazing what our kids can teach us, right? Mine isn’t quite 7 months old yet, and I’ve already learned a ton from him… Imagine what I will have learned by the time he is the twins’ age… Imagine what I will have learned by the time he is my current age. Mind boggling.
    Enjoy the giggles and laughs. Enjoy the learning.


  4. I have a three year old, and it is so fun to watch them have fun with their antics! Of course, mine usually empties out the clean laundry from the basket & disperses it all over the house. After I’ve nicely folded it, of course. That’s not so much fun.


  5. I guess I’m the ultimate Peter Pan who never grew up. I have no idea why adults quit finding the fun in the simple things. Even worse now that everyone looks to their cell phones for easy entertainment when there’s nothing else to do. I still spin in swivel chairs just for the pure joy of it, and hop up and down stairs two at a time because it’s more funner. Baby C is adorable!


  6. My niece recently had her first birthday and while she sort of participated in the unwrapping of gifts she was totally enthralled by the UNOPENED can of coke that we let her play with. I have a feeling we could capitalize on the truth of your post and all save a lot of money…


  7. My youngest is 11 so past this stage. However we have a four month old pup. Seeing the pup acting not too dissimilar to your little one, and the interaction of my youngest with it is indeed a joy to behold. Lovely post. Gave me a much needed smile.


  8. my Lovie used to adore climbing into the laundry basket and getting turned over in it… and the hangers, oy she still loves playing with hangers. now she just jumps on our bed screaming CANNONBALL any chance she can. kids are amazing.


  9. At least someone is still entertained with laundry. I just play Sock Bingo (this should be pretty self explanatory) to keep myself entertained, but it’s less fun with one player.


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