Share Your World – 2014 Week 20

It’s hump daaaaaaaaaay! The middlest day of the week. It’s downhill from here. Well, until we come upon the next hill. It’s all cyclical, isn’t it? Sigh…

Wednesday is my self-appointed day to expose the inner-workings of my mind for all to see. A documentary of sorts. Or something. I’m just making shit up now. Let’s get to the questions, shall we?

If you could go back and visit any time period, what time would you travel to and why?

Honestly, I wouldn’t want to go back too far in time because I wouldn’t want to live without modern conveniences such as plumbing, telephones, and electricity. I’ve gotten too used to such things and I take them for granted. Honestly, I’d probably go back to the 60’s just to see first-hand all of the changes our country endured during that decade.

If you could have three wishes granted for you alone, what would they be?  This is a time for you to dream and have fun.

  1. Lose weight.
  2. Win the lottery.
  3. More wishes.
And ixnay on the wishing for more wishes!

Wanting something to quench your thirst, what would you drink?

Water. Boring, I know, but water is really the only thing I drink besides alcohol and coffeh.

If you watch TV what are your favorite three television shows?

I haven’t watched TV regularly in years. When I did I watched CBS’s Monday night line up of How I Met Your Mother, Two Broke Girls, Two and a Half Men, and Mike and Molly.

Another interrogation in the books! Thank you, Cee, for lending your cunning interrogation skills for blog fodder purposes. If you, dearest Maphia, would like to share your world, head on over to Cee’s Photography and link up with us. After all, inquiring minds want to know.

Share Your World

76 thoughts on “Share Your World – 2014 Week 20

  1. More wishes!! And you don’t drink soda? I’m addicted to diet orange crush. sad, but true.


  2. About the only time I drink straight water is when I have to have my meds checked and shrinky-poo requests a fasting blood draw. Fucking hate water. It’s good for making other stuph, but that’s it in my opinion.


  3. I could have gone my whole life without the camels humping, dude…even if it is funny. I have to make myself drink water and sometimes add lemon to it but it is really the best thing when you’re thirsty. As for coffee, can’t live without it.


  4. Don’t drink the water. Tap, this is. And, not cause it does or does not effect your brain. Coffee with good water. Rock it. Alcohol . . . Only if it does not turn to ice. Then, my friend, one knows there is a problem. Hump Day rocks when one can wrap their head around the concept of time. I cannot. Yet, still, don’t drink the water. : )


  5. Take it or leave. Just another BS way of life, but hey, tis’ life. Personally, wouldn’t want or need it any other way. Whatever resonates, resonates. But, then again, this is very personal. What is personal, who the fuck really knows anymore. No pun intended. 😉


  6. pmsl at lovely Pocahontas and you. Need to check her out. Kinda the way my brain works at times. Sweet.
    And good on the water and coffee. Fizzy drinks should only be consumed if they’re necessary to dilute the taste of whiskey or it comes as champagne. Champagne!
    And the lottery sucks. Two feckin’ weeks worth of sucks. Not a single number. So work on. Minus the summer holidays. Bloody disgrace. I’d join a union!


  7. OMG Really!! After a year of blogging and seeing it everywhere I only just fecking figured out what ‘hump’ day is. I thought, that’s a weird holiday that it happens once a week. So never mind anything else you wrote, which is awesome as usual, thanks for explaining hump day. It’s not, as I am sure you can guess, something we have over here on the Emerald Isle, and hump means two totally different things so that’s probably not a bad thing!
    I’m away now to repeatedly bang my head against a brick wall and atone for my stupidity! 🙂


  8. I’m a water drinker, but I do have coffee in the morning. No pop/soda though. I also just quit smoking a month ago.
    I would also choose the 60s, take Mer with me and we would be in the midst of Beatlemania.


  9. My guilty pleasure is Survivor. I’ve never missed an episode. Not one. Don’t judge me. Tomorrow night I’m seeing an Ionesco play starring Michael Shannon. I cover the entertainment spectrum.


  10. Wow – we couldn’t be more different! I only drink water when I am absolutely forced into it (even the distilled water hubby makes for us all the time). I hope you’re not one of those people who only drink bottled water! I watch a lot of TV (besides blogging, gaming & reading it’s my only entertainment) because I don’t get out much anymore, but I never watched any of the shows you watch.


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