Mental Defecation

It started subtly, as often things tend to do. An itch here. A tug there.

Then it gradually became stronger, like a wave rolling towards the coast grows until it crests.

When I listen to music on the way to work, I find myself writing lines of poetry in my head. (Unfortunately those lines have always evaporated by the time I arrive.) While playing a role-playing game I find different aspects of the story which I could adapt into the novel which roams my hard drive alone like a homeless soul during another cruel night. When I read the words of my favorite dilettante at night before I douse the light I feel inspired to concoct my own literary pieces.

It’s not a full-blown sickness yet, but I’ve caught the fever. I do not know how long it will last.

I’ve been toying with writing a new post for a few days now. I’ve been trying to conjure up the motivation to begin adding to my novel again. One important thing has been eluding me, however, and that is time. I simply don’t have enough of it.

I decided the other day that, before I did anything, I needed to follow through with my plan to rename this here weblog. I meant it when I said I’d outgrown the name. This place is no longer a sanctuary for a lost man trying to find himself. I no longer wish to air my grievances here, though I will do so when and if the need arises. I am doing my best to avoid any negativity I can. I’m tired of being brought down. Tired of being down.

I got the idea for a new name the other day, but didn’t get to act on it until tonight because the totalitarian in charge of my house (my four-year-old, Baby C, for the uninitiated) came down with an Upper Respiratory Infection and has been sneezing, coughing, and generally cranky the last few days. (And don’t feel bad for him. Feel bad for me because I’m the one who had to deal with him.)

So without further ado, I welcome you, my friends, to Mental Defecation, named thus because this is where my mind poops.

Once upon a time I had a blog which was a veritable buffet of topics, styles, and moods. I’d like to get back to those roots. I’d like this to be a place to play, but also a haven when needed. I’d like to write the occasional poem, the occasional flash of fiction, the occasional my-children-drive-me-crazy story, in addition to opening my closet and laying my skeletons bare. I’d still like to use my blog to raise awareness for suicide prevention, but I’d like to have fun with my blog as well. Who knows? Maybe I might even bring back Blunt Life Coach.

I hesitate to say that I’m back. Time is ever my enemy. I feel I’m being drawn back in, though. We’ll see where it goes.

What do you guys think of the name? I almost didn’t go with it because it seems a tad childish, but then I remembered who I was and who you all know me to be and thought, “They’d be disappointed if I didn’t…”

67 thoughts on “Mental Defecation

    1. To be honest, Susan, receiving a letter today from another blogger reminded me how much blogging has meant to me over the years, and that I need to make somewhat of an effort to stay connected to it.

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  1. It’s a tad childish — but so’s yer mom.

    The stormtrooper on the pooper is a nice touch, and I’m glad if I was any inspiration to get back on the commode.

    I say don’t beat yourself up if you can only post once a week. The day this starts becoming a chore — something you feel like you have to do — take up backgammon or 3-D Chess or something (let the Wookie win).


    1. I love the pooping stormtrooper pic. I use it entirely too often, but…pooping is funny.

      And it’s not necessarily that I feel like I need to post often, it’s that I don’t always get around to reading, and I feel like kind of a douche if I don’t get around to read other blogs while people are here reading mine (Hey, SOMEone’s reading it.)

      PS. The wookie always wins whether I want him to or not.


      1. Doing pretty darn good this evening! I feel like good things are ahead, if not immediately, after spending the last couple of months sure I’d doomed myself by my poor decisions. So that’s good, as is D playing Hungry Hippos with one of his teddy bears, and aeeing you here. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Ha! C cheats at Hungry Hungry Hippos. He just swipes all the marbles into his hippo’s mouth with his hands. That child o’ mine…

          Anyway, I know the feeling on decisions. I’ve spent the last month second-guessing a decision I’ve made, but the die has been cast and I have to roll with it. I’ll figure out a way to make it work.


  2. It certainly will catch people’s attention! But then again, you don’t need “people’s” attention because you already have your ‘people’ who matter and we are going to read your words wether they are defecated, vomitted, sneezed, written, signed (language), spoken or transmitted via morse code. 🙂 xo


  3. I’m so glad to have you back. It really did feel like something was missing. I don’t care how many times you post, I’ll be around.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The infection has run its course, but he’ll still be suffering the symptoms for a few more days. I had the same thing a couple of months ago, and it sucked.

      I love the pooping stormtrooper pic. It makes me chuckle.

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  4. Well if you do decide to bring BLC back I’ve got a new feature that I’m bringing to my blog and well lets just say BLC may like to play in this sandpit.

    As for the frequency of blogging, I’ve decreased mine since I’d like to do other things and Mini Me is always on my case. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Oh, there’s just no way I could go back to the frequency with which I once blogged. Not a chance.

      Also, BLC doesn’t play well with others. You should know that. 😉


      1. I do. Her Majesty, the Queen of flame however is growing increasingly restless and demanded I should find her some royal advisors.


    1. I’m not in an unhappy place, just wish he felt better. We got to playing around yesterday, but he began hacking pretty bad so we had to stop and find something calm for him to do. Poor guy. He doesn’t know how to stop…


      1. Time – He’s waiting in the wings
        He speaks of senseless things
        His script is you and me boys

        Time – He flexes like a whore
        Falls wanking to the floor
        His trick is you and me, boy

        You – are not a victim
        You – just scream with boredom
        You – are not evicting time

        David Bowie, of course.


  5. I love the name, Scott! Honestly I do. “Where my mind poops”!–brilliant. You and I seem to be on the same wave length these days. I have been itching so bad to get one single post out there but like you, a lack of time always interferes. Plus I think the universe is trying to push a specific post out of me that I am resistant to writing. I feel like my mind needs to take a big dump but I ate too many bananas. lmao. So how is that for childish 😉 Welcome back.


      1. I am. It’s been good for me. I forgot how much I enjoy my job actually. I’m at a new place but still doing mental health case management. My co-workers are just as effed up as I am, which makes for a pretty compassionate, humorous group of people. So yeah…it’s goin’ good. Thanks for asking 🙂 Hope the babe is feeling better. They can be cranky little bastards when their sick. 😉


        1. Awesome! Glad the job is going well!

          C is feeling better, but still has a little bit of congestion in his throat. We had a good night last night, though.


  6. I’m looking forward to reading more of your shit, TD!

    For the working blogger, I recommend blogging when you damn well please, not according to some schedule, though. Too much pressure otherwise!


  7. I believe it might just be perfect! The entire header might just be perfect. If you post once a week, that is what you do, if it is a chore it isn’t fun. This should be a place to connect and brain dump. It shouldn’t be work. Welcome back.

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