
You have probably already figured it out if you’ve been paying attention. You might be shaking your head. You might be wondering what the hell I’m thinking. You might be wondering if I’ll ever learn. Or perhaps you’re of a mind that it’s my life, my decision, and I should do whatever makes me happy.

Whatever the case may be I’d like to confirm that, yes, Baby C’s mother and I are seeing each other again.

Whether or not you understand why I’m doing this, I ask that you at the very least support my decision and respect that I’m trying to resurrect a relationship with a woman I love, and the mother of my child.

Perhaps there’s some burning animosity because she’s hurt me. I get that. With time to cool down and the advantage of hindsight, I understand (mostly) why she did the things she did and have forgiven her. She did not intentionally hurt me. She did not go out of her way to commit heinous acts of revenge. She was simply doing what she felt she needed to do for her. For her happiness. I hope you can understand that and that you can look past the things that happened as I have. None of us are perfect. We’ve all hurt someone we love, whether intentionally or otherwise.

You should also know, however, that I’ve hurt her in turn. In neglecting to treat my depression I became an irritable, hateful little shit who became irate at the slightest bit of provocation. I said some pretty damned awful things in those moments and, quite frankly, it’s a wonder Baby C’s mother even wants me in her life at all. Yes, it was a long time ago, but some fires burn longer than others.

The blame for our ups and downs rests squarely on both sets of shoulders. We have done our best to identify our faults and we are working to correct them. We have both done some self-discovery and believe we are now better equipped to handle the adversity we both face due to our mental health issues. We’ve both sought treatment. We continue to seek further treatment. We are both determined to finally make this work. We have been taking things slowly. We have been communicating better. We have been cautious. We have, I think, finally grown

So far, so good.

I know there have been times in your life where you stayed in a relationship others told you to abandon. And you have done so because of the deep amorous connection you had with that person. You have done so because, while your significant other may have his/her faults, the goodness within far outweighs the bad. Those folks who thought you should leave don’t know about all of the good things your significant other does. They don’t know your significant other like you do. Most of you are still with that person. You made it through that fire and your relationship is stronger for it. You look back on those times and see them as the defining moments of your relationship. The turning point. It was sink or swim…and you swam like an Olympic Gold Medalist.

This love, to me, is worth the effort. Once upon a time Baby C’s mother and I had something extremely special, and the fight to reclaim it is a worthy one.

I hope you understand.

62 thoughts on “Yes…Again

  1. Good luck my dear. I will always maintain that nobody really knows what goes on in a relationship, outside of the people in it. And there’s you, and her, and then the combination of you together. It’s rarely as straightforward as we hope it would be.

    I’m living it myself right now. But this isn’t about me.

    I wish you the best. Always. xoxox

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Well, I guess I’m just being preemptive with my defense. I’m sure there are those who would have a problem with this, even if they’re not saying so directly to me.


  2. What goes on in a relationship is between those who are IN it. So I say do what suits YOU and HER and to hell with the rest of the world! Best wishes! xox


  3. Well… this relationship was obviously working out at some point before… Maybe now that you know where the pitfalls are, you can make it work once again, and maybe make it last this time.


  4. I will say congratulations my friend, because I know that if my ex broached the subject of us trying again, even though I am living with someone at the moment, I would be willing to try. She left me by seeing someone else while we were married, but for all the reasons you say in this post, I would get past that. We were both to blame for our marriage breaking down, and she did what she did because she wasn’t getting the things she wanted from her relationship. (no, not that!)
    I completely respect what you’re attempting to do and I wish you both every success. You know when you feel love because you will fight for it. Great post, as always.


  5. 🙂

    And boo to those that think they know better. Relationships aren’t easy. And you seem to be making all the steps in the right direction. Love is always worth fighting for. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. There are always those who think they know what’s best for you. And honestly, anyone who has a problem with this most likely is merely worried about me getting hurt again. And I understand that, but that’s a risk with ANY relationship I might have.


  6. *deposits 2 cents* Hehe.

    Well hello, CT! You know, people will always have something to say, right? It’s your life, you have to live it and make it work with the ones you include in it. As long as you’re happy!! That’s the most important thing to me. If you have someone you love, hold on to it and make it work! ^_^

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I had wondered given some of the FB posts!! I’m glad you’re both in a much better place to be there for each other. Long may it continue.

    Random addition: When I typed the above, I typed a sentence I decided was made of suck, so deleted it to replace it with something which made more sense, but I couldn’t use control & delete to delete it faster, I just had to keep on pressing the delete key. That too was made of suck.


  8. I’m happy for you Scott! I am of the mind that it’s nobody’s business and the people who truly care about you will respect your judgement and your decisions. Love is always worth another try. And no one knows what goes on between two people and what is shared in a relationship. Best of luck to you and Baby C’s mom, I’m rooting for a very very happy ending.


  9. Nobody gets to say whether it’s right or not except for you and her. I feel happy for you both, that you’re giving it a try. Because if you’re tempted to, there’s a reason and love means so much more than so much of the other shit in life. Sending hope and rightness to you both. xoxo


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