Published Bloggers

*Last updated 7/29/2023

Many of us peck away at our keyboards and upload our prose into the virtual ether because we enjoy writing. Many of us use blogging as a therapeutic outlet for atrocities we’ve endured. Some of us use it for both. Others have words rattling around in their heads and blogging is a release for that cranial pressure. Others of us use this platform as a container in which to pour our creative juices. Then there are others who are attempting to make a living through various arts and use blogging as a platform with which to promote our work.

Along this Forrest Gump like journey through the blogosphere I’ve met many amazing people. Some of the people I’ve met are busting their asses to make a living doing what they love. Be it photography, writing, or painting, there are many determined folks out there trying hard to make their dreams come true.

A long time ago, in a lifetime far, far away…I came upon a page composed by fellow blogger, and great bloggy pal, Elyse. She had collected links to books many of her bloggy buddies had published. At the time I was just getting connected to other bloggers and didn’t know any (except maybe one) who had published a book. Several years later I know many who have published books and I have read quite a few of them.

In the name of plagiarism (or is that imitation and flattery?), I’ve decided to steal borrow Elyse’s idea and link to the books all of my bloggy pals have published. The goal, obviously, is to spread the bloggy love and also to support my friends in their endeavors to become full-time writers. Please check out the books below, and if they pique your curiosity, pick them up. Actually, pick them up no matter what.

Helena Hann-Basquiat / Jessica B. Bell

Leah Vidal

Grayson Queen

Simon Milloy

Matthew Blashill

Lizzi Rogers

Matt Roberts

Arthur Browne

Arthur’s The Book Patch author page.

Down to Earth

Saloon at the Edge of Everywhere

The Book Batch


I Like Monkeys

Laura Ashley Lord

Hasty Words

Ned Hickson

Ross Murray

Robert Hookey

Kelly Suellentrop

Michael Hansen

Ra Avis

Please support my bloggy friends. Becoming a successful author is unfathomably hard, and all of these people have a special talent for the written word, hence why I’m doing my small part to help them.

*If you are a blogging buddy of mine and I don’t have your work featured here…shame on me. Come yell at me, and I’ll get it included here. I have a slippery mind, and I have no doubt I forgot someone.

99 thoughts on “Published Bloggers

          1. No, no, this one’s alright – cos it’s opinion. And also a popular opinion, which gives me cause to be a tiny bit arrogant about it. But also I know that the story won’t be to everyone’s taste 🙂 I just like your version.


          2. Well, you can agree with my opinion without being arrogant about it, you know. 😉

            No, it won’t be to everyone’s tastes. Different strokes, and all. But they’re wrong if they don’t like it! 😀


  1. So… whose armor do I have to strip off and then do unspeakable things to the former wearer of said armor to get some love on this here page exactly? And I mean that with all due respect as a struggling writer of both a children’s book and sci-fi… and short stories… and stuff…


          1. I would never bother you, but… I do seem to fall within the parameters… and I am struggling… and you are like a megastar… and beneficent benefactor… who just happens to be a sexy beast…


          2. Um… so there is a book page on my blog that Zoe set up for me. There are links that go to the place you buy my books… but there are also pictures of the covers and stuff… what do you need?


          3. but did it work… is that what you need… because I have… wait… which one did I do… the first sci-fi? Because I have the second one, and the monkey book… let’s not even worry about the anthologies I have been in…


  2. You forgot Art from PMAO! For shame! But otherwise, you are a good fella, TD. Do you know Shards of Dubois and Mark Paxson from king midget’s ramblings? Also published authors who travel in these circles. Excellent writers.


    1. I reached out to The Hook, but he didn’t answer me. I know he’s offline for the time being because of his injury. And, well, I totally forgot about Ross, which reminds me I forgot about Ned, too. Dammit…


  3. I am as happy as a clam… a very happy clam… a very happy, drunk clam… who won the lottery on the way to getting lucky with the clam of his dreams… on Christmas… or something… thank you thank you thank you…


  4. Wow, thanks buddy. I appreciate this. And to anybody who might check my book out, thanks in advance. Read at your own risk! It could have definitely been edited better, but I was in a hurry to get it out. Anyway, thanks again TD, you rule!!! I’m definitely gonna have to check out the books on this list!


  5. Hello Sweetie,
    Coming out of lurk mode just to let you know I just adore you. Great list of books: FABULOUS to see a few of my fave bloggers who have published! Yay to yo bad-ass self for spreading the blogger love. Now you’ve offered other authors to check out. Through the year I’ve been reading your column I’ve determined the following:

    1. Wow. Dig your taste in tunes.
    2. You’re fighting with every ounce of life to make one for your kids
    3. You are Brave. Among the writers I follow, it seems you and I are the only ones speaking directly about our own cognitive cretinism heh. Have to add El Guapo as he also supports mental health awareness. He knows that people who suffer from Major Depressive Disorder, PTSD, Bi-Polar and every other mental malady not only deal with life, many are talented artists and they keep themselves alive. Meanwhile the majority of folks like myself -Bi-Polar Baby! work at simply getting thru the day. With a f*cking smile.
    4. You’re honest. Know that this is a painful process… and you’re doin’ it.

    That’s it. You rock. I read.
    You deserve some Reader Love!

    p.s. Elvis is King


    1. 1. Yay!
      2. My kids are all that remain and all that matter.
      3. Cognitive cretinism! Hah! That’s an interesting term for that. I may steal that…
      4. I don’t know any other way to be. Mom says I used to tell on myself when I was a child.

      Thank you for your support and the amazing comment!


  6. One of these days I’ll be one of those writers. Until then (and even after it happens), I shall admire these published folks and say congrats. It’s a huge honor to be published someplace other than your own blog.


  7. Aw, aren’t you the sweetest for doing this? You are truly a giver in the blog community, and I know we all appreciate the support you are always quick to lend. Thanks for giving a shout out to Absolute Mayhem! You da man.


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