Ten Things of Thankful #72

I missed a week, or two or three, I can’t rightly recall. I know last week I didn’t really feel I had enough to list off ten things for which I could be thankful. I probably could have, they would have just been really small, very mundane things. And who wants to read about those, amiright? BOOOOORRRRRRRRING. Anyhow, I feel like I have better material this week – given that I have two weeks of life from which to draw – and so here I am, creating another list of things for which I am grateful.
I used the power of Twitter to get yet another of the fabulous writers I follow Freshly Pressed!!! I love supporting other bloggers and the post in question was a very personal, powerful, and heartfelt post. I encourage you all to check it out and I dare you not to shed at least one tear while reading it.

Moments with C:

  • While playing Mario Kart 64 (retro gaming FTW!) he called Luigi “the Green Mario.” When I try to correct him and tell him that Luigi’s name is, you know, Luigi, he argues with me and tells me it’s Green Mario.
  • While he was taking a shower the other day, the water had gotten a bit cold so I adjusted the temperature so that he would have hot water again. Upon discovering he had hot water once more, he exclaimed, “The water is hot again! I’m so happy!!”
  • Trick or Treat! C was barely interested in accumulating candy. We took him to the mall because it was 40 degrees and misting rain, but all he wanted to do was run around in the designated play area and ride some of the little kiddy rides in the middle of the mall. Given a choice between getting more candy and riding the rides, he choose the rides.
It’s me! Green Mario!!!

The twins played their final game of the high school football season this past Thursday. Though they lost every game and, from what I could tell, their coach isn’t all that great, they had a lot of fun and learned a great deal about the game and especially about losing.

trooper twins football
I didn’t notice at the time, but dude in the background totally photobombed them.


My BBFFFL (for the uninitiated, that would be Lizzi) found a little Lego Stormtrooper and thought of me. She bought it with the intention of sending it to me because she’s awesome. Knowing, however, her penchant for glitterbombing people via the postal service, I initially refused to part with my address. Finally I conceded, and she shipped her gift to me.

After about a month (which seemed like a lifetime – seriously, I’ve never checked the mail so often) it finally arrived, and much rejoicing took place. I filmed myself opening the package (which you’ve already seen if you are my FB friend), and in my excitement totally forgot about the glitter, which spilled itself all over the floor, where it was consumed by my dog. Well, it was consumed until she quickly realized it wasn’t food I had spilled, then she went on about her business.

The Lego trooper has found a home amongst my other Star Wars memorabilia, but unfortunately got packed away just a few short days later because my niece, E, seems to like breaking my stuff. I was able to snap a picture of him before he retired to the cardboard ether, though.

2014-10-22 19.22.41
Yes, I have a pumpkin spiced candle and I light it often. Be jealous, bitches.

The annual Cincinnati Out of the Darkness walk took place on the 19th, and it went really well. I wrote about it in detail here, for anyone who’s interested or may have missed the post.
Coffee. Always coffee. I’d probably be dead without it. Or at least that’s how I’d feel…
PhotoFunia-4182af3 (1)
I woke up this morning to find the following post from Samara on my Facebook wall:

My kid asked me this morning, “So, mom- how’s your coffeh?”

Your vernacular has officially infiltrated our household!

I love infecting the minds of others with my silliness. I am totally winning.
Still have not consumed a drop of alcohol since September 12. At this point I’m going for a record. Or something. It’s been a LONG time since I went this long without a drink.
I invaded the space of two other blogs this week! A few more and the world will be mine! Mwahahahahaha!


First, I was asked by the Sisterwives to (along with other humor bloggers) provide some comic relief on a blog which tackles some pretty hefty topics. That I was considered for this honor despite not primarily being a humor blogger (not really – I don’t think – but I try to be funny when I can) felt amazing. Check out the post to see what I and the other funny guys had to say.  Also, if you haven’t already, click the follow button while you’re there. Many, many important topics are discussed there which few people are willing to talk about.

Secondly, I wrote another poem with the very talented and astoundingly creative HastyWords!! Just in time for Halloween, we got a little bit creepy for this one. I had so much going on that I forgot to post it here. Or to even reblog it. Head on over and check it out! Also, click the follow button there for beautiful poetry from an amazing woman.

In an effort to build my audience back up, I signed up for WordPress’ Blogging U. course for November. I had close to 5000 followers before I pulled the plug on Stuphblog, and I’m pretty much beginning from scratch again. I’m hoping to pick up some new followers and more insight on building a better blog. Just to warn you, though, some of the material I post as a result of some of the assignments will probably rehash material some of my longtime followers already know. I apologize in advance for bringing up old shit, but I’m looking forward to meeting new bloggers and hopefully expanding my readership anew.


47 thoughts on “Ten Things of Thankful #72

  1. My kid knows a handful of bloggers, and you are one of them!

    “Funneh” also made an appearance in my house today! You ARE winning.

    And thank YOU for participating on the Sisterwives blog. You were lots of fun to have there- the comment section was like a big party (parteh?)


  2. Storm trooper in the cupboard. This needs to be a book instead of the indian in the cupboard.

    Storm trooper coffee must be extra motivating. Its the force isn’t it.

    I beg to differ that your list would ever be mudane small things or boring.

    Hey good for you on Freshly pressed!


  3. That was such an amazing birthday present … better even than the birthday Keurig, and that is saying something! (I give up trying to give up coffee. 🙂


  4. Ahhhh I’m so glad he finally made it. AND that I successfully glitterbombed you (glad the dog didn’t get TOO much). I have never been so frustrated at the US mail as then…even to TEXAS doesn’t usually take that long! Ridiculous!

    I did laugh when I saw Samara’s note to you 😀 That’s awesome, dude. And YAY for you writing at SW. I’m glad you’re there, AND over at Hasty’s place. Love me some Hasty.

    I still think that Baby C’s utterance about the hot water is just delightful. And I hope the twins get a better coach next year.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m glad it finally got here, too! I was afraid it had gotten lost and I’d never be able to hold that adorable little lego trooper with my own two hands. Stupid mail.

      Thank you so much, BBFFFL!!!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You’re very, very welcome. And when I visit, you must pop him on the spaceship and I’ll bring mine and we’ll ZOOM them.

        Did you ever figure out how to open Yoda’s head?


  5. I might be strange (or boring!), but I don’t think there is anything wrong with small, mundane TToT posts, so feel free to join in even during those kind of weeks. This post was filled with not-small, not-mundane items, though. Congrats on your long period of teetotalling!


  6. Yay for a wonderful list of tankfuls. Being a household Name that definitely rocks….. um, is this a good time to bring up that F. Feature thing in your inbox? I won’t be blogging this month obviously but would love to have it up in December.


  7. I’m a little jealous of the glitter bomb – it sounds like it’d be fun for a second or two. Good for you on your month+ of sobriety. I’m sure you’re feeling great as a result. I gave up coffee over 6 months ago and officially broke my caffeine addiction. Wine on the other hand…


  8. I am thankful that after my first week on the new job that my gut still says this was a good decision. WHAT A RELIEF!

    I am also thankful that I got to meet another bloggy friend! I had dinner with Lynne /Curvy Roads on THursday night in Atlanta, and it was delightful! We chatted about you. Were your ears burning? 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  9. my kid was a storm trooper for Halloween. He calls it Star “Whores” because he cannot pronounce wars. And of course, being the best parent ever, I don’t correct him. Imagine all the little catholic ladies faces when he told them what he was….hee hee.
    Speaking of whores, how do I whore myself out to get that many followers? damn


    1. Ha! Star Whores is a different movie altogether.

      As for the follower count, I really have no idea how I collected so many. I was astounded so many people clicked on the follow button. I posted often, read a shit-ton of other blogs, and responded to almost all comments. Other than that, I really don’t know how people kept finding me, or what made them follow once they did.


  10. I can totally relate to a losing football season due to lousy coaching but I still love to watch my boy play!
    You guys really did an amazing job this week on The Sisterwives and I thank you so much for saying yes when I asked :).
    I loved your video! Isn’t mail from Lizzi the best? She sent me a glitter bomb package the same week but I couldn’t vlog it. I tried. Twice. But I kept crying. Don’t ask.
    Coffeh….always, always, and always!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Stormtrooper = awesome.
    Congratulations on your #8 – way to go!
    Lots of great things here – love that the little one preferred the rides to the candy. That kind of happened here, too, but we were just hanging with relatives. OK by me!
    Have a great week!


    1. I was actually okay with him preferring the rides, too. I was even more pleased with what candy he did get going home with his mom. At least that way it won’t be in my house to tempt me!


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