The Racist Register

Once upon a time, in a retail store not so far away, I was working the customer service desk of a major retailer. I was a manager at the time, but the store was busy so I was helping out at the service desk. The company (let’s just say its name rhymes with Y’all Fart) … Continue reading The Racist Register

Customer Service Fails: I Don’t Have Nothin’!

One of the true facts (as opposed to a false fact) I revealed about myself in my 5 Truths and a Lie game was that I once tackled a shoplifter who stole only a bra. I promised to tell that story, and here is where I deliver. Yes, the story is a bit late, so … Continue reading Customer Service Fails: I Don’t Have Nothin’!

Miraculous Man and the Depressing Journal Entry: 4/18/2013

Today was a horrible day for justice.  I, Miraculous Man, made an inexcusable mistake.  I suppose there is a first time for everything, but there should never have been a first time for this. I was making my rounds at Wal-Mart, looking for any injustices being committed against my customer service brethren.  I had almost … Continue reading Miraculous Man and the Depressing Journal Entry: 4/18/2013